
Hello everyone... I just wanna thank each one of you for being a grt support to me and my book 'Encounter with an unknown girl'... With all your supports and by the blessing of almighty my book has reached more than 18.5 k and it ranks #94 in chick lit... This may sound silly but for me its a grt achievement of which I never dreamed of... Thank you all once again and keep supporting... ☺☺☺  


@jennii-16 no thanks to brothers 


@jennii-16 congrats....valthukal




          Your story encounter with an unknown girl is absolutely amazing. The thrill that comes along with the fact that he loved the same girl since the beginning and fell for her twice is capturing. Loved your work. I am here as a reader to appreciate you and suggest you a good read. Do try 'The alternative bride'by Priya7755. I hope you like it too


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