
For those that do not already know, my Ace POV of A Different Virus: Heartfire is on a pretty permanent looking hiatus. If I ever get that random 3am motivation to write, I’ll do it, but don’t expect regular chapters (like that was something you could count on). While I’m here, I might as well advertise @Crystalscherer ‘s book collection; I have yet to interact with a better author on this site or elsewhere. Go check her out! And… sorry for not being able to keep up my work.


@Heartfire_Ace NOOOOO!!!I was looking forwards to another update. At least I might get a random update once in a while*crys forever*


For those that do not already know, my Ace POV of A Different Virus: Heartfire is on a pretty permanent looking hiatus. If I ever get that random 3am motivation to write, I’ll do it, but don’t expect regular chapters (like that was something you could count on). While I’m here, I might as well advertise @Crystalscherer ‘s book collection; I have yet to interact with a better author on this site or elsewhere. Go check her out! And… sorry for not being able to keep up my work.


@Heartfire_Ace NOOOOO!!!I was looking forwards to another update. At least I might get a random update once in a while*crys forever*


Due to my lack of an upload schedule, I have decided that I shall use flexible updates. When I see that I have either 75 views or 15 votes on my latest chapter, I will update again. 
          Thank you for listening to my TED Talk *bow*


Scratch that, 75 views or 10 votes. Mistype!


Um, it's telling me that I can't interact with when I'm trying to comment on your story. Any idea why?


I don't consider that late at all! And sorry for the bother, I just wanted to thank you for writing the great chapter.


            Sorry for the late reply, I didn't wake up until 15 minutes ago. Your comment has gone through, but only the one where you ask if it is working. I assume you wanted to say something else?


Nvm, I think it's working again.


Hey William! 
          Have you ever read a novel about an uncle who is forced to take custody of his nephew, and later decides to kill him? 
          If that plot excites you, my story “Evaughn,” will also excite you. It has romance, murder, emotional conflict, manipulation, you name it. 
          So far, I have written 28 chapters (almost finished). I kindly ask that you read the first 3 chapters and see what you think. 
          Thank you in advance : )