
Greetings Historians! 
          	To continue our Sands of Time, check out today's activity, where you can share your regency period story!  Check it out and share it right here - https://www.wattpad.com/1453017553-sands-of-time-engagement-weeks-june-2024-story


Greetings Historians,
          This week’s question is a tough one…
          Would you rather live as a noble in medieval Europe or as a samurai in feudal Japan?


@HistoricalFiction In Medieval Europe. The European feudal system allowed for you to leave service to your lord while in Japan your whole family was forever tied to the family you served.


@HistoricalFiction 'medieval Europe' is v vague. Japan at least is a single country with one predominant language.
            Medieval Europe is a continent with hundreds of languages, over eight to ten centuries! Vast differences between an 8th C. Anglo-Saxon war leader and a 14th C. Venetian aristocrat


Greetings Historians!
          Historical Fiction is hosting a week of fun-filled activities and articles on the theme of the Regency period this month. Please check out our Sands of Time for a new chapter each day this week with something new to do or read!
          We’re starting the week off with a Tag Fest. Look inside the book to answer who would do what!


Hello Wattpaders,
          Thank you to all the many who submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          If you are still interested, you have some time to review the Ambassador Program title on the @Ambassador profile and to submit your application. The submission form is available via the link below and on the @Ambassador Bio. 
          Happy Writing and Reading to all =)
          The Ambassadors


Welcome to a new week with Historical Fiction!
          This week, We Want To Know:
          What historical period or event do you find most fascinating, and why?


Been thinking a lot about Norse Expansion into the British Isles and that general area. Limerick, Islay, the possible cross pollination of Celtic and Norse myth and culture - I need to learn more about it.


@HistoricalFiction I have a lot in mind ... but I'm gonna go to my cultural roots in the Philippines. I don't know alot about it since I was raised as a toddler in the US but I've been studying about Asian culture since I was in College. I find that fascinating (as I think everyone should know a little bit of where they came from ... those family DNA tests don't tell you much and they are pricey .


@mahqtab6 I'm hoping you've read A Suitable Boy in that case


Searching for a story to lose yourself in? Look no further. The HistoricalFiction profile has introduced a new selection of reading lists curated from stories found all over Wattpad. Our team works hard to find stories that they hope will delight and engage the community. So, if you’re a reader, we’ve got you covered. And if you’re a writer, you can still submit stories to be considered for our reading lists. See our Profile Guide for Reading List Submission Guidelines to learn more. 


@HistoricalFiction Thanks very much for highlighting our novel 1816: the Grandest Tour to a larger audience


@HistoricalFiction Was just looking through them, looks like a good selection!


Greetings Historians!
          We are revamping our reading lists! To help us facilitate that, we will be closing our story submission forms for a short while as we set up our new lists. As soon as those forms are open again for story submissions we will let you know. We will also notify you when our guidebook has been updated with our new reading list submission guidelines.
          The purpose of the revamp is to enable us to build an extensive library that will allow readers to fully immerse themselves in all  the Historical genre has to offer here on Wattpad, and showcase even more amazing writers and their stories.
          Thanks for your patience while we get this all sorted out. 
          The Historical Fiction Team


Greetings Historians! 
          February is the month of Love and we have teamed up with @ClassicAuthors , @WattpadFestivals , and @WattpadTimeTravel to create a love-themed contest in the midst of the political turmoil of the French Revolution, or an era of your choosing! It's not too late to join in! For more details, follow the link - https://www.wattpad.com/1419196718-historical-contests-february-%2724-valentine%27s