
C.AI is one hell of a drug y'all
          	On the plus side, I have enough sense to know where the books are going
          	And I might be able to squeeze a doodle for the stories you all enjoy
          	So sorry about the wait! I swear I deleted Wattpad months ago (i did not, i forgot where i put the app)
          	New chapters will be out today and tomorrow


C.AI is one hell of a drug y'all
          On the plus side, I have enough sense to know where the books are going
          And I might be able to squeeze a doodle for the stories you all enjoy
          So sorry about the wait! I swear I deleted Wattpad months ago (i did not, i forgot where i put the app)
          New chapters will be out today and tomorrow


this message may be offensive
Hey guys uh
          I know I've kind of dipped out on everyone but my laptop is out atm.
          And i despise writing on the phone.
          Apparently it will take about a month for the shop to get a part, and even then they might not be able to get the part so they'll have to put a notice to get a whole new laptop and
          It's a mess. 
          Buuuuut this is giving me time to really plan out the chapters for various books. 
          So I have plans for WTTF, WASI, and various others, as well as a few new ideas (ik i have a lot of stories but hear me out-)
          One idea is a Yandere King and Princes x Child Fem Reader
          All platonic, will most likely have 2-3 endings, similar to WTTF but a bit harder to escape. 
          Another is Genshin Impact x Magical Girl reader, Not sure if it'd be Yandere or not. 
          Either your wish results in you being transfered into the game or your wish transfers you to another world like Aether and Lumine. 
          I've been reading the 'Her Holiness' book series and was inspired by it so it may have similar motifs bc i love that nook so much. Nothing too similar, just that the characters would kind of view yiu as a new archon bc only you can fight the witches (you forced Kyubey not to turn anyone to MG)
          Aaaand the books involving an actual series like the Squid Game book and Demon Slayer book are going to be on hold until I can get my laptop back bc I need to have multiple tabs for the scripts of the episodes and such. I could just watch the shows while writing but I think we all know how that will end. 
          So Sorry to everyone for the disappearance, I can't do much without my laptop. 
          Laptop is fucked, might be a few months before I get it back, and i have new story ideas; Yandere Royal family x Reader or Genshin Impact x Magical Girl Reader. 
          K bye


(Finally started demon slayer season 2. In tears. Fu k this show man )
          Aight, so
          "Where are the updates?"
          I have like... 25 school days left... Not including weekends... 
          Most of my weekends are spent on helping family and working on my schoolwork. 
          And I take a lot of pride in my OG book about the Mafia family. I really don't want to screw that up. So that one is on hiatus until further notice. 
          As for the other one's, I just need time to proof read and... Start... On chapters...
          Have I mentioned that school takes up loads of time?
          Because it does. 
          If it weren't for my family, I'd have dropped tf out lmao
          Anyways, onto some more... Specific things.
          Demon Slayer x Touhou! Reader.
          I need to know, do you really want character deaths or shall I give you guys a better ending? Because I don't think you guys want another Train scene. 
          If you could respond to this and let me know, that'd be appreciated. 
          If no one responds, I will probably play it into a sweeter ending. 
          Just an FYI.
          Mafia Family readers, I gotta question for you too.
          If I added art bits into it (doodles and such) would you guys enjoy it? As a way to better my art and add a little ✨s p i c e✨ to the book?
          Let me know. 
          Okay have a nice day/night


oh my GOD i'm finally watching Arcane and-
          moving on, anyone else ever have the urge to write 30+ things at once then get frustrated when you can't think of a single word to write?
          because i am going f e r a l rn
          also also, school is a b
          so are teachers
          i'm real sorry for being slow, but i'm fighting the urge to punch a teacher
          grades are also suffering a bit (idk why i thought all would be well after a few days from the incident) but with hope i can write a bit for you guys. 
          wish me luck ig lmao