
Dang been some time since I last posted. But I feel at this time you are all used to this. Me not posting for months and then just getting a random story out there. I am still writing many stories and having new ideas for them. Enjoy any story coming your way. 


A bit of an update, not gonna post for two weeks maybe three. But if I do that is because I want to share the next chapter or part of the story. 
          Just gonna be busy for this time being, please understand this. I am going to continue to write the sorry just not post it unless I am 100% hood on posting it. But gonna be busy for 2 weeks. Also Happy Holidays.   


7 stories are in the making. But I would say 8 but it is still a lot. Do not worry I am working on each story as much as I can. I try to get 2 parts in before motivation is out the window. But more keep coming for more stories. But please know that it may come after the new year or before. I am not fully sure. Need time to write a full story out before posting, or at least get 5 parts ready before posting. 
          Bye. Enjoy whatever story appeared next. 


Technoblades Rise is in the process of being written. It is sorta being written as an actual book, so it may be very different from the normal stories that you read on this app or website. It is still a fanfiction story, but I am putting pride into the story as many stories that may come after this. It won't be changed that much but it is a start.
          Hope you enjoy any story that comes.