
Hey guys!
          	I have published a new work-Beauty And The Billionaire.
          	It is an entry for the contest:Rewind The Classics.
          	It is the re-telling if the story-Beauty And The Beast with my own twist to it. Hope you guys enjoy!(:


Hey guys! 
          So I am back, probably after an eternity. I am so sorry for the delay. I have started working on my books and also, I have changed the title of my old book. Do go check it out and tell me what you feel.
          Also, thank you all for your support all this while.
          I will probably start uploading new chapters from next week onwards and I will definitely make full efforts to keep the consistency of my schedule and try not to be as inconsistent as I was...
          Once again, thank you and until I next see you, keep smiling and don’t drift away from my story!(:


Hey there!
          I really hope all of you are doing great and staying safe.
          So, there it goes again!
          I very often find myself announcing about my breaks out here and that seems so terrible to me. I don’t think so I will be able to upload any new chapters for an entire month, yes, AN ENTIRE MONTH. I am having a hectic time out here and I have hardly found myself typing out any content for my book. I am making a lot of efforts from my side but it just seems to be the very same. Please do forgive for my very inconsistent schedule of uploading.
          I hope I can see you guys sometime soon with a couple of new chapters though.
          Once again, thank you all for all your affection, love and support. You guys are just so lovely and I feel PATHETIC to always do this to you. Leaving on a positive note,
          Keep smiling and don’t drift away from my story!(:


Hey guys!
          So it’s been a while, well something more than a while perhaps, since I have uploaded a new chapter. I am really really sorry to say this but...yet again, I will not be uploading for the next two weeks.
          I am having a really hard time to have that consistent schedule as every now and then, I am getting caught up with something important and I am finding it very hard to balance. I am so inconsistent right now that I am suppose to be uploading a new chapter every week but now, I am hardly uploading and it really does bother me to tell you that this is going to go on for another 2-3 months. 
          I am putting my full efforts to make time for Wattpad but things aren’t just right so....
          I would like to thank each one of you reading my story and voting for it. To those who are reading this announcement too, thanks a lot and please do forgive me for this guys.
          Please don’t drift away from my story and love it just the way you did till now and I hope I will be able to keep up with my schedule and don’t drift away from my story!(:


Heylo people!
          So yet again, here I am with yet another announcement about my updates so...here it goes:
          I will not be able to upload chapters for the next two to three weeks let’s say as things are really really hectic out here and I am putting in my efforts and of course....I will upload two chapters the week I come back to compensate and until then, keep loving my story just the way you did till now and I thank all of you who are still reading my story in spite of the inconsistency and till I come back, keep smiling, love you all and don’t drift away from my story(: