
Hi everyone!
          	Been a while since i used the message board. But I literally just noticed wattpad took down the DM's thingie, and I legit didn't realize this happened like last month or smth?? Idk. But it's kinda baffling considering the DM thing was pretty useful since I met some pretty cool people who randomly chat me at times. And also gave me ideas. Some of which I may or may not have incorporated as a oneshot :)
          	But anyway, here is my discord: kawaii_queenlumine
          	For those people that wish to say something to me privately regarding my fics that they don't feel comfortable saying on message board or in the comment section, then go ahead and dm me on discord! Besides, I respond faster on discord than I do on wattpad, so that's a plus.
          	Also if u just wanna chat the most random things that relate to nothing I do then that's cool too. But I can't guarantee I'll be able to respond if it's too weird. Like I would be pretty confused so just keep that in mind!
          	Also Goldenberyl update:  Chapter was supposed to be finished and I was SUPPOSED to publish yesterday till I went over my outline and noticed I COMPLETELY forgot an entire section I wanted to add. So now I had to rewrite from the halfway point to fit it in smoothly and.....yeah im dying aHAhahaHAHA...
          	Anyway, thanks for reading this! See u around~


@Kawaii_Lumine discord isn't enough anymore give me your number 


That’s a shame, but I’m glad you’re working on the next chapter of Goldenberyl! The last one was so good, I really loved seeing Yuki’s point of view.


Can't say I don't see why they did it, it's not like it's used by that many people... but it's not like it was hurting anyone either so idk, wattpad's been making some weird decisions lately


Hi everyone!
          Been a while since i used the message board. But I literally just noticed wattpad took down the DM's thingie, and I legit didn't realize this happened like last month or smth?? Idk. But it's kinda baffling considering the DM thing was pretty useful since I met some pretty cool people who randomly chat me at times. And also gave me ideas. Some of which I may or may not have incorporated as a oneshot :)
          But anyway, here is my discord: kawaii_queenlumine
          For those people that wish to say something to me privately regarding my fics that they don't feel comfortable saying on message board or in the comment section, then go ahead and dm me on discord! Besides, I respond faster on discord than I do on wattpad, so that's a plus.
          Also if u just wanna chat the most random things that relate to nothing I do then that's cool too. But I can't guarantee I'll be able to respond if it's too weird. Like I would be pretty confused so just keep that in mind!
          Also Goldenberyl update:  Chapter was supposed to be finished and I was SUPPOSED to publish yesterday till I went over my outline and noticed I COMPLETELY forgot an entire section I wanted to add. So now I had to rewrite from the halfway point to fit it in smoothly and.....yeah im dying aHAhahaHAHA...
          Anyway, thanks for reading this! See u around~


@Kawaii_Lumine discord isn't enough anymore give me your number 


That’s a shame, but I’m glad you’re working on the next chapter of Goldenberyl! The last one was so good, I really loved seeing Yuki’s point of view.


Can't say I don't see why they did it, it's not like it's used by that many people... but it's not like it was hurting anyone either so idk, wattpad's been making some weird decisions lately


Im actually thinking that kiyozune might be the best ship


@chimmugchiggus since I haven't read the LN for a long time now I'll take your word for it that and you don't need to point out the obvious medium is premium afterall


@MicroPie kei has always been my number 1, even if she got butchered in Year 2 by kinu. She still is my number 1 and kiyokei is an amazing ship which HAD so much potential that was unfortunately completely disregarded because our lovely writer decided to make kiyo have a harem which he cockblocks everytime.
            But like, horikita is different. Shes not outwardly into ayanokouji, and imo is the 3rd best cote character rn, just behind atsuomi and kiyotaka. Her development is crazy good, and her relationship with manabu was well written. Shes also been the focal point of class D for a while now, and you cant even lie, the recent vols have been good for her, even if they were garbage.
            Right now its pretty much looking to be kiyozune endgame anyway, and im looking forward to that.
            And if you dont wanna read everything i wrote, tl;dr is that horikita is hot asf 


@chimmugchiggus hmmm what's your case argument for it I'm curious?


I love you for that update 


never a late reply with my favourite author 


@yummy4203  late reply but ur welcome HAHAHHA


My emotes aren't showing up :sob:


chef, did you sell the restaurant, or are you coming up with some good recipes right now ? because we need some cook from you we are starving for writing


@McdonaldKnight  The restaurant is under renovation. Im lacking BTR juice rn :((