
Hey everyone! I hope your new year is going well. I wanted to be honest with my followers and readers to let them know what is currently going on in my life. I have been struggling with some health issues that have taken a toll on me mentally. I am still struggling to find my way back to my writing. Most recently, I have been struggling with Covid. I found out I have the delta variant and it has taken a substantial hit to my lungs. I have decided I am going to write a whole new story and put a hold on my current story Saving Grace. I may unpublish it until the time comes that I decide to finish it because I HATE having a work ongoing that I can't seem to write. Please bear with me during this time. I truly want to be the best writer I can be and to find an agency this year to work with. Thank you all for the continue support!


@KaylaWoods289  wishing you a very quick recovery, please do to take.


@KaylaWoods289 take care. I am in love with your books!!


@KaylaWoods289 i just found you and your books and absolutely love them!!! Hope you'll get  better soon.


Hey amazing author, I am still at chapter 35 of Undeniably Claimed but, I felt the need to come and post this message. The book is just phenomenal. Every emotion expressed is so incredible that I can feel it in my heart. I have been reading books on Wattpad for years now and don't usually post comments but, this book just forced me to express my thoughts even when I am yet to complete the book. 
          Thank you so much for writing this book!♥️



Undeniably claimed was wow!!! Very superb...I'm doing a review on your books you're amazing 
          To all lovers of books, let's do a review on books and see how many we can cover, starting with books from KaylaWoods289, follow the link above. Let's go