
The next thing I'm going to do is Mother Killed the Radio Star Part 4 because I need to ignore The Full Moon hurting so much (I'd write a HB fanfic if I had any ideas, and I already have like 16 fanfics, with still a lot not even done with Part 1)


Should I shorten my Chapters? I have a little idea, and that is to do something like 'Dreams || Chapter 1 (1/2)' followed by 'Dreams || Chapter 1 (2/2)', so I finish writing the full chapter first, before releasing all parts of it on separate days in a single week (to try and keep attention?) I'd change the Chapter lengths to be around 1000 to maybe even 3000 btw


How long do people like their original story Chapters on Wattpad?


I typically stay within 1,000 to 2,000 words or maybe a little over 2,000. I read most of the Wattpad stories on my phone and sometimes chapters that are longer can be overwhelming- but I also have adhd components to my bipolar and I’m dyslexic. So those don’t help. 
            Most people say to go with preference or what fits the story/ chapter you are on. I think that’s also a really good way to approach it! 


@KnightLightZero I usually do a "measly" 1000 or 2000+ if I'm really feeling myself though it's a quality and quantity balance really is how you start your story off I mean if you start with a trend of long chapters your readers will expect it as a standard so you should start off with what you're comfortable with


Idk if anyone cares, but Wish Chapter 8 and 9 coming soon and Hazbin Hotel: Mother Killed the Radio Star Part 3 will come out today or just *very* soon :)


When did I convince you lmao but also yeah her soundtrack is a banger for a reason, the harder the boss the better the song in a lot of examples


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@KnightLightZero because you convinced me to try it and we'll
            I'm fucking trash my eyes and reactions are never in sync those arrows are fast as fuck 
            Plus I felt like it thanks for answering though 


@hoifzf Dude Undyne the Undying is so easy, just get the secret Gaster Knife after beating the Roaring Knight in Chapter 4: Ruins
            Also... w- why you telling me lmao
