
I am now curious if he is dead, forgot about the story, forgot the password to his account, has a lack of motivation, has a lack of inspiration, I'd budy writing (which branches into either he up until now had writers block, he is just writing slowly or he is writing chapters in advance) or he has some other reason of which he hasn't updated in something like 5 months, then again I don't know how long he usually takes between chapters so eh. Anyways u alive?


Not to rush you or be annoying but will you update "forgotten story"? And if you are going to continue updating it roughly when will the next chapter be out?
          It's an amazing story and I'm already hooked, it's just sad that it was last updated mid last year :((
          I hope you do update it but even if you didn't I want you to know that your writing and story is amazing :))


@Glitchy_Demon13 hi thank you for loving my story! Your comment motivated me again to continue it. I hope I can keep up with your expectation :) I will try to update my story more often. Also, just to let you know I have updated it today and plan to update it again this week or next week. Once again, thank u so much!! 