
Hi everyone!!! I know I have been on hiatus for a while and while I am not fully ready to come back right now, I just wanted to put a message out to let you all know I am still writing and I am not gone for good! I have been working on my next story which does not have a certain release yet. It will possibly start getting posted this summer (hopefully) (maybe) (we’ll see). Anyway, this is just a very tiny update so you don’t think I’ve abandoned this account! Life has been coming at me hard recently and as much as I love writing, I don’t always have as much time as I would like for it. Thank you so much for your continued patience- I can’t wait to start posting for you again soon♥️


@LTMayx You’re so sweet  Take as much time as you need, I only logged onto wattpad cause I was wondering if you posted anything and luckily you have!! You’re one of the best writers I know and I’m happy to wait however long until you’re ready to come back 


@LTMayx Hope you’ve been well! We’ll see you when we see you. :)


@LTMayx take things easy! i cant wait to see what you make next! <33


Hi everyone!!! I know I have been on hiatus for a while and while I am not fully ready to come back right now, I just wanted to put a message out to let you all know I am still writing and I am not gone for good! I have been working on my next story which does not have a certain release yet. It will possibly start getting posted this summer (hopefully) (maybe) (we’ll see). Anyway, this is just a very tiny update so you don’t think I’ve abandoned this account! Life has been coming at me hard recently and as much as I love writing, I don’t always have as much time as I would like for it. Thank you so much for your continued patience- I can’t wait to start posting for you again soon♥️


@LTMayx You’re so sweet  Take as much time as you need, I only logged onto wattpad cause I was wondering if you posted anything and luckily you have!! You’re one of the best writers I know and I’m happy to wait however long until you’re ready to come back 


@LTMayx Hope you’ve been well! We’ll see you when we see you. :)


@LTMayx take things easy! i cant wait to see what you make next! <33


Does Someone- ANYONE know a book like "Infected"? Because I can't find anything really like this. I even consider my own story with a similar concept but different categories of yandere, but I only really write short stories with heavy focus on insanity, death, and the process of realizing to accepting the I person will die soon, as well as the last moments. So can someone please tell me??


On Quotev there’s a book called “Darling” by MarieJNora (Marie). It has around 13 chapters but it’s been updating pretty regularly so far and follows the same universal concept of the love sickness infection “Infected” has.