
Next chapter of '7 Hybrids Moved In with Me' has been published!!!
          	'Getting back to Normal (18)'
          	Y/n and her boys enjoy the first day in their new house and get up to their usual shenanigan's


So ‘7HMIWN’ now has over 61k words  
          Oh my goodness.
          I just finished writing chapters 12-15
          Chapter 12 & 13 have 10k words combined and I swear I’ve been trying to make chapters shorter so they don’t take me as long, but I can’t help it  sometimes the chapters just don’t want to end.
          I’m trying to make it my priority project right now before I start working on other things. I’ve been so happy to be working on it again after taking a break (semi-intentionally) but I’m also so inspired for other things too !


My first Oneshot has been posted! 
          ‘My Angel|Mafia!Jimin x Reader’
          Kinda nervous as to how it will be received as it was an experiment with a writing style I’ve never tried before, still not sure how I feel about it, but you guys have been starved for too long! (I’m so sorry!) I have some ideas for more shots and hopefully from now on updates will be more common, I also really want to start a new series, but I need story/plot ideas ! I hope you guys enjoy the oneshot!


i just read it it ATE


Sorry for the lack of updates on ‘7hmiwm’ and just in general, I’m away on holiday right now in Brisbane and I’m using the time to get inspired by things around me (aka filling my camera roll) and I’m trying not to focus on ‘forcing’ myself to write and more just trying to find the inspiration to continue making stories that I personally would read, and reminding myself why I started writing and why I started posting. I unfortunately wasn’t able to get the Christmas special out, but there’s always next year  
          Speaking of which, Merry Christmas everyone and happy new year!  I hope you all have a great holiday/break with your friends, family, pets, or even just a good book or tv show.


Thanks again for all the support this year!!! 


I hope you all continue to enjoy my writing into next year and even after that, and I hope I can keep delivering good fics that people enjoy! ☺️ I hope I can grow more as a writer and grow my community even more too!


My plans for next year, I have a lot of personal plans for next year that will positively effect my writing, but specifically for the series and my account, next year I want to write more consistently and hopefully get more work out for you guys because I love writing and I love knowing that other people enjoy it too. I’m also saving for a new laptop which should help me do just that as well. I’m also planning to expand on what I’m writing, one shots, drabbles, new series, etc, I want to improve my writing too, maybe even write more for some other fandoms I’m in, both Kpop and non-Kpop.