
Hello to my followers and readers! I have decided to set up a patreon page where you guys can have access to exclusive access to early chapters, new book chapters in addition to adding to my stories by choosing the characters you wish to see. There is much more information on the page itself.
          	I have already posted a small spoiler to the public for "Killer Sister" in addition to a post for the members! It is $5.00 a month and I am truly grateful for the support I have seen so far! To become a "Little Reader" please click the link below. This is NOT mandatory whatsoever however it allows me to show extra stuff and side character arcs. 
          	Thank you all for the support so far!


@Little1Writer Plz publish the second book to killer siblings, killer sister please it is so amazing


@Little1Writer I am assuming you've stepped away or are taking a hiatus as the patreon account has been inactive. I truly loved your stories even if they are not complete. If you do keep writing in the future I'll be sure to tag along. Thank you for your creativity 


@Little1Writer Can u please post it here too ?  cuz I have very strict parents they would never allow me to get on this patreon page or app .... and i truly liked ur book "Killer Siblings" no wait liked is not the word to descript it cuz damn girl I loved and still love this book so please could u maybe upload it here too ? ❤️


Heyy would really appreciate it if you could give my book a try, you don’t have to if you don’t want to be it would be much appreciated<3


Hello Little1Writer,
          I really enjoyed reading all of your books. I was wondering when some of them will be updated?
          Your health and mental health are more important than the books. Take all the time you need. Forget any negative comments and focus on the positive ones.
          Take care of yourself and your family.
          A fan of your work.


Hello Little1Writter
          Today I am writing you because I like all of your books. You are so good in writing and should continue it because you have a talent and never ever let someone bring you down . Also you should a writer . Well that was something I wanted to tell you bye then
          I hope you write more books like the killer siblings or the forgotten child 
          Xoxo one of your Reader