
Hey, folks!!  As most of you know, I’ve been able to produce about one book a month since last fall. When inspiration strikes and I can give you something I love, I will take it. Part of this process has been exploring tropes I previously hated or never touched so I can grow as an author.
          	I’d love to know your favorite tropes. What keeps your interest on a book?  If you’re willing to share, I’ll keep it in mind.  “Harmless” is winding down and I have another book started but am always interested in hearing what you guys would like to enjoy. 
          	Thank you for all the love, comments, messages, and support. I will keep doing what feels right to me and posting once the book is nearly finished so it’s binge-able ASAP.
          	X Lizzy Pelton 


@joannestokley thank you so much- I have a feeling you’ll love “Piece by Piece” as well considering the tropes you mentioned  


@LizzyPeltonWrites Hi!   I am just starting Georgia on my Mind and its the first story of yours I've read.  I love the way your characters pop.  My favorite trope is when hero falls first and loves hardest.  Both hero and heroine are broken in some way, and there is major mess up by hero with grovel and redemption.  I look forward to reading more.  You are such a good writer!


Bah! I forgot emojis don’t farkin show up in these messages/replies. But I added hearts at the end! hahah : D (there old school crapola)


Hey, folks!!  As most of you know, I’ve been able to produce about one book a month since last fall. When inspiration strikes and I can give you something I love, I will take it. Part of this process has been exploring tropes I previously hated or never touched so I can grow as an author.
          I’d love to know your favorite tropes. What keeps your interest on a book?  If you’re willing to share, I’ll keep it in mind.  “Harmless” is winding down and I have another book started but am always interested in hearing what you guys would like to enjoy. 
          Thank you for all the love, comments, messages, and support. I will keep doing what feels right to me and posting once the book is nearly finished so it’s binge-able ASAP.
          X Lizzy Pelton 


@joannestokley thank you so much- I have a feeling you’ll love “Piece by Piece” as well considering the tropes you mentioned  


@LizzyPeltonWrites Hi!   I am just starting Georgia on my Mind and its the first story of yours I've read.  I love the way your characters pop.  My favorite trope is when hero falls first and loves hardest.  Both hero and heroine are broken in some way, and there is major mess up by hero with grovel and redemption.  I look forward to reading more.  You are such a good writer!


Bah! I forgot emojis don’t farkin show up in these messages/replies. But I added hearts at the end! hahah : D (there old school crapola)


Hey everyone!  In case you missed it, I have two new completed stories available now- “Georgia on my Mind” and “To Whit.”  I’ve been writing a lot and just filing stories away in my Google docs but decided to start posting when I have a book close to completed. So far it has worked out well- I can do some editing along the way and post a few chapters every day so my readers get to binge quickly. 
          I plan to continue this process as I move ahead. I have a few other book ideas I’m working on (one is at about 18k and the other 10k so far) and will just see how everything shakes out. My goal was to create for the sake of creating and branch out to use tropes I’ve never worked with before. Hopefully you enjoy - thank you for the love and support on my new books as well as what I’ve written in the past!
          X Lizzy Pelton


Pssst- Train Wreck is almost finished!  Chapter 69 is in editing limbo and after Chapter 70 we just have the epilogue (which I've had basically mapped out since I began writing this book).  Thank you for the patience and grace you've shown as I've navigated so much personal grief while writing a book that is about grief.  I'm excited to click "Complete" so if you haven't started reading now may be a good time to get going.  Thank you!!


Congrats to 70 chapters! What an achievement! ♥️


Glad you’ve come back and found peace 
           do you think there may be a chance of train wreck every being a published book in the future?


@Chloebloor Hey!  I have considered publishing Train Wreck but that's something I would not do for awhile.  I appreciate you asking, though- I have a previous book I wrote that I intend to use for my first published work but life has gotten in the way.  We shall see what the future holds!


Hey will be continuing with train wreck as I love it? 


Yes, I will!  Sorry for the delay- I’ve had a lot of health issues including a hospitalization so things have been a bit hectic in my personal life but the next chapter is in progress and I’ll post when I feel like it’s ready. Thank you for asking!


Wanted to know how you were doing! If there’s anything you need I’m here! I miss you Lizzy and hope my prayers have helped in some way! We love you doll I hope to hear from you soon! ❤️ 


Anytime! I’m so sorry for your family and their losses. I’m sure youre doing great given the circumstances I’m sure you’re stronger than I am dealing with it all lol. I’m so thankful you have so much support and love! 


@Mrskelseyh Miss you, too!  Your prayers have definitely helped- we've had some huge changes around here along with more losses in my family so still trying to get my bearings but hoping the next chapter will be out soon.  Every time I try to get something going we get more bad news so it's a tough balance, but you know I'm handling real life first and trying my best to navigate a lot.  Thank you for your constant encouragement and love- it is deeply felt and appreciated, Kelsey!!


Chapter 60 of “Train Wreck” has been posted and it’s Benji’s POV which I know was much anticipated. This book is winding down but since I am taking my time to write a book that deep dives into grief while I process with my own grief I am not positive how long it will take before the epilogue. My next book, “Much Ado About Chicken Strips,” is a brand new COMEDY that I cannot wait to dig into. This is going to be a really fun loose modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” mashed with Vine and memes so you can see why I’m so thrilled. Thanks for sticking with me through the Swamp of Sadness that is “Train Wreck” at the moment- next book will have us crying for a much different reason, I promise!!