
Hello guys,
          	I haven't really been active, I'm sorry. I'm currently experiencing problems with my email account and can't log in there anymore since it's not accepting my old password. I'm still logged in here, but when I tried to change my email address it didn't work with the passwort here as well, so I guess I might have the same problem here soon...I hope this doesn't happen, but in case it does I'll try to solve the issue and upload the stories on a new account or something. I don't really know what to do since I can't change my passwort without the "old" one. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading and I hope I'll be able to keep you guys updated. I would be very mad if I lost all of my works...
          	Anyway I hope you have a nice day!


Hi! I love your Bad I'm Better story and was wondering when you'd be updating it?


@RachelDiza I just hope that you'll update the story, don't care when, just do it, I'll be happy even if the chapter is just 2 words long 


Hey! To be honest I can‘t say that for sure because we‘re at a point in the story that requires a lot of planning and I don‘t want to upload a chapter but then notice that what I wrote doesn‘t make sense anymore as I continue. It might take a bit more time. But thank you for reading! And sorry about the waiting time 


Hello guys,
          I haven't really been active, I'm sorry. I'm currently experiencing problems with my email account and can't log in there anymore since it's not accepting my old password. I'm still logged in here, but when I tried to change my email address it didn't work with the passwort here as well, so I guess I might have the same problem here soon...I hope this doesn't happen, but in case it does I'll try to solve the issue and upload the stories on a new account or something. I don't really know what to do since I can't change my passwort without the "old" one. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading and I hope I'll be able to keep you guys updated. I would be very mad if I lost all of my works...
          Anyway I hope you have a nice day!


I'm very sorry to anyone reading my stories, but because of the heat wave where I live I can't think straight and writing is close to impossible. I hope it will cool down sometime soon, so I can be productive again! I hope you all have a wonderful day :)