
Hello lovelies,
          	I want to apologize to you all for not updating my books. I'm struggling with schoolstress and my head is really full rn.  Much people use me to get away with their problems but at this point it is getting to much for myself. I'm that kind of person who is feeling guilty if I can't fix others problems.
          	I'm afraid I can't update the books any time soon and I'm very sorry for that. I hope you all understand. But I'm still trying it!!
          	I love to read all your comments and it always makes my day and it always makes me smile.❤ 
          	Thank you for reading this and again sorry.
          	Stay devilish you all 


@moonlight_1201 thank you I really appreciate it. You made my day❤


No apologies necessary! You need to take care of you, that’s what’s most important ❤️ you don’t need to feel guilty for other people’s problems; that’s weight you don’t need to carry. You are beautiful just as you are. 


Hello lovelies,
          I want to apologize to you all for not updating my books. I'm struggling with schoolstress and my head is really full rn.  Much people use me to get away with their problems but at this point it is getting to much for myself. I'm that kind of person who is feeling guilty if I can't fix others problems.
          I'm afraid I can't update the books any time soon and I'm very sorry for that. I hope you all understand. But I'm still trying it!!
          I love to read all your comments and it always makes my day and it always makes me smile.❤ 
          Thank you for reading this and again sorry.
          Stay devilish you all 


@moonlight_1201 thank you I really appreciate it. You made my day❤


No apologies necessary! You need to take care of you, that’s what’s most important ❤️ you don’t need to feel guilty for other people’s problems; that’s weight you don’t need to carry. You are beautiful just as you are. 


Am I the only one who gets on a point when there are not good fanfiction anymore and you start to read the ones you know all over again? If you know good Lucifers daughter fanfic pls say them. I'm bored as hell XD


@Lucifer_on_netflix el mio no es tan malo y es lemonn


I get in these funks where nothing seems good to me, and then all of a sudden I’m back into readings fics again. You’re not the only one who feels like that. :)