
First chapter as promised. :)


@MariaCooney you're an angel! Much love


Hi, I just wanted to tell you I am a big fan of your book Mae Day. I read it when I was around 15 and 16 in my wattpad phase. I am 22 now still I sometimes come back to read that book again. I cant help but beg you to please give us some update on Mae Day 2. Just a patient fan who has been waiting for a past couple of years for that book. Absolutely lovee your work. If it ever publishes, I am buying it for sure!!!
          Lots of love from India!!!


 I second this please reconsider your decision 


Hi, I just wanted to say I loved your pirate series. I've read the books multiple times and enjoyed them every time. If you ever write a fourth book about Ella, Tom and their family I'll be one of the first to read it(I hope you do one day, it would be interesting when the children are young adults). You're an amazing writer, never stop! 


I would just like to say your pirate Series was literally the best pirate books I have ever read the book was so much of a emotional roller coster I can't tell you how many times I cried or laughed about something in them Alot of writer don't make you feel connected to the Characters but while reading  I literally Imagine everything that was going on and how they felt I would just like to say your an amazing writer and keep up the amazing work 


Oh my god, please update Mae day 2. I am officially crying that the book is not completed. Don't know where to message you as a big fan of books but here :'(


@ karishma22  please update Mae day 2, need to know how it ends.


@karishma22 try facebook but life is happening Ive been waiting over to years still stuck with the baby