
So slight problem. I was gonna post today, but the order of my chapters for The Spider-Man x YJ crosse dr is fumbled and I don't know why. Gonna fix it and you'll expect it soon


Will the Spider-Man Young Justice story have the same 5 year time skip like the original series?


@EmilioUribe960 Yeah. I'm gonna have some books that I'll post about other characters take place during the it tho


In your YJ story the suspense is killing's exactly like the comics. Peter is dancing around a lot of girls, he has chemistry with all of them, but which will he choose? And will it work out? Is it just a fling?
          Like with black cat, it's be great to see them together....but could a lasting relationship work? Or Artemis, in YJ it was clear she wanted to live the simple life and not be a hero forever(but peter isn't like that, he won't retire until he's permanently disabled. He can't retire, something or someone will rope him back in)
          Or his bond with zatanna, will they be together?
          A part of me wants you to just go out and say it, who's the final pairing.....but a part of me doesn't and to just go along for the ride 
          Maybe post a chapter with your decision ,but put a bunch of tabs and warnings so I can A. Not look at it, and B. When I do click the tab have enough time to stop myself from scrolling all the way down


This is the first Spider-Man young justice story I’ve read I’m only on like chapter 5 or 6 and it’s already so good ! 


About the YJ story. You've gone pretty of the rails by including kingpin and the whole days of future past which Is cool don't get me wrong but I don't know if it's just me but I (and I know this sounds egoistic) want to see more of the main story. Maybe have some more spotlight with Kaldur or Dick or Wally. Again this is full of respect dude 


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Ay man, your story's fucking awesome. Glad I found it


@TASISP You're right. Imma make the next chapter after this is done more focused on the main story with the young justice. But you're right. It's good to get some criticism 


I just realized In the Spider-Man x YJ crossover seeing the Guardians of the Galaxy could be interesting I mean with all that Blue Beetle stuff from season 2 I image somone hiring the Guardians of the Galaxy to hunt down the Justice Leaug would be cool on my opinion. Heck Captin Marvel and Nova  could help the Guardians hunt the Leaug. Nut that up to you author. Ps I really love the story and can't wait to see what happens next :)


@MartyMcMe1 cool, thanks, also in case you do it can you give the male OC the same stingers that Kaine Parker has in the comics? (To make him slightly different to Miles and Peter)


@Ruben2714 Sure, why not? Gonna take a bit of time, but you'll probably (80%) see it