
Okay y'all... well... I thin that I have decided to restart "A Sacrifice Too Great" however, I will have to unpublish it for a bit... I'm sorry y'all. I am super excited though because i got some ideas and I finally have been able to write more and more. Also I may or may not start a duskwood story!


Okay y'all... well... I thin that I have decided to restart "A Sacrifice Too Great" however, I will have to unpublish it for a bit... I'm sorry y'all. I am super excited though because i got some ideas and I finally have been able to write more and more. Also I may or may not start a duskwood story!


Okay I am so sorry y'all but I am going to be putting "A Sacrifice Too Great" on hold for a little bit. I have been unable to find inspiration and because of the fact that you aren't with Turner a whole lot just kind of makes it a little bit more difficult. I have been binge watching the new ATLA live action and the Original. I am going to start working on something for it, because I am in LOVE with Sokka and Zuko. Don't judge meeeeeeee....


Just had me an idiot what-am-I-gonna-do-why-did-I-do-this moment. In choosing Turner 90% of this story will be improv… Which for my other story I could rely on a script to help guide me… whoopeeeee


Yeah so Wattpad is being glitchy. I've copy and pasted my story into a google doc and will now be redoing... the entire FREAKING thing. I hate Wattpad glitches so much... It's a good thing I thought to copy and paste earlier or I'd have lost 2 hours worth of writing.


Hey y’all. So I finally (at least I think) got over my writers block. I will be taking “A Sacrifice Too Great” off from published and begin rewriting it. I am not satisfied with it, and it is my belief that if you are unsatisfied with your work, then redo it till you are. I will publish it as I am ready, and I’m hoping it will be much better. Thank y’all so much for your dedication in reading it!!!