
Hello, everyone.
          	So, after the post I made about not supporting, I'd like to apologize again. I caused damage and I do not forgive myself for what I did, and maybe even never will. I decided to slowly return after some weeks passed. But my motivation is very low to continue to write fanfics. I hope to push myself hard enough to write, even if it is a little bit. I will continue to write real-life books and hope to gain some more attention. Not much but just a bit. I am a small author. 
          	I have also been notified that Wattpad will delete private conversations, which disappoints me. I will only share 2 links in my bio here. 
          	One to my Discord server so if you want to speak to me in private, then you can. 
          	Second is my YouTube channel where I upload Gacha and random stuff. 
          	If you want to follow my real-life written book account, then you have to join my Discord server. If not, then that's alright. Your choice.


@Olivia200312 Hey it's not your fault your story's are great keep it up 


@ Olivia200312  Hello friend, I hope you are well, regarding the messages they are only going to delete the messages you have, you can still write messages privately.


@ashimationnWOOMY thank you for your support. It means a lot.



Also tell your followers about this website I just sent you.


Hello, everyone.
          So, after the post I made about not supporting, I'd like to apologize again. I caused damage and I do not forgive myself for what I did, and maybe even never will. I decided to slowly return after some weeks passed. But my motivation is very low to continue to write fanfics. I hope to push myself hard enough to write, even if it is a little bit. I will continue to write real-life books and hope to gain some more attention. Not much but just a bit. I am a small author. 
          I have also been notified that Wattpad will delete private conversations, which disappoints me. I will only share 2 links in my bio here. 
          One to my Discord server so if you want to speak to me in private, then you can. 
          Second is my YouTube channel where I upload Gacha and random stuff. 
          If you want to follow my real-life written book account, then you have to join my Discord server. If not, then that's alright. Your choice.


@Olivia200312 Hey it's not your fault your story's are great keep it up 


@ Olivia200312  Hello friend, I hope you are well, regarding the messages they are only going to delete the messages you have, you can still write messages privately.


@ashimationnWOOMY thank you for your support. It means a lot.


Hey, you good? Noticed your profile change, sorry you got so much hate. You are entitled to your opinion and it’s not okay for anyone to bully you like they did. You make wonderful stories and if it means anything you inspired me to write, and keep writing. Hope you feel better soon, and remember; it’s okay to be not okay.  keep writing your lovely stories! 


@user54875512559 I get that, just wanted to make sure you were okay! And take your time. :)


            Hi! Thank you so much for your comforting message. So far, I haven't received any hate and I hope it stays that way. Thank you for your understanding about my position. But I made a mistake by posting the post I wrote for not supporting transgenders and non-binary. I should've kept it to myself. I plan on returning today or tomorrow. I have been not active here because I was focusing on my real-life books on my other account.


Hi, everyone. 
          This is a serious post. I'd like to apologize first for my post where I mentioned that I do not support transgenders and non-binary people, also saying that those people are mindless and also for misgendering them as well. I know that I can't turn back the clock. I got a comment today from a user, who I will not mention, who posted to me that some people got screenshots and even one of them posted my screenshots online. Looks like karma got me but I believe that this action can cause many troubles, such as more people might bully me for simply where my position is. Social media can be useful, but it is also not like bullying. I think I might have become a victim of bullying for what I did, but I understand. However, please remember that bullying doesn't solve anything. It can make things worse like ruining someone's life. 
          I wish that more people understood my position, luckily I got comments from a few that they understood. My best friend, my mother, and my autism coach are on my side because they think the same as I do. 
          It is also NOT funny that someone posted my comment online. I understand the anger and sadness coming from them for what I did, but doing that action (posting my comment online) can lead to worse things. 
          With that, I'm going to take action. Blocking, reporting, and ignoring angry and rude comments from users that might be coming my way. I'm going to talk with my psychologist about it.
          Thank you for understanding and reading. I understand your anger and sadness towards me.


@user54875512559 Remember my advice on suing one-sided people? Gather as much information as possible and hire a lawyer so you can take them to court. I think it's about time you'd be given a sense of justice. God will always be at your side. Have you ever heard the story of Esther? Her courage through words saved her people, the Jews, from extinction.  Watch a YouTube video about and see what I mean. Maybe it'll give you a little extra confidence.


@user54875512559 also I only told you about it to make you self aware, if I didn't I bet you wouldn't even apologies.


@user54875512559 damn talk about playing the victim card, and nobody is sad towards you, its more like they are furious


Lol, I got recently called a selfish cur just because I don't accept writing requests. So, I was speaking to that one user, asking me if I would do more Warrior Cats characters. I politely told I didn't know because my current favorites are Scourge and Ravenpaw. They continued to ask me when I would update or when I would know the answer. At this time, I was getting a bit angry. I checked the info about the user and they are 27 YEARS OLD. Such a child for attacking me. 
          Don't worry, I reported them for bullying and I got blocked, which I don't care about. I already experienced something worse in the past. Which is exposure and my mother called the police because of it. Don't fret. The account is long gone. The exposure, I mean.


            Younger readers on here can be a real pain sometimes, but for a 27 year old (which, by that kind of behavior, I highly doubt the person was actually that old) to act like that is terrible 


I feel like I am struggling right now. Don't worry, it's nothing bad about me that happened but it's about my stories at @oliviaambicki. 
          As many of you know, I finished writing my backstory called 'Life' and some of you congratulated me. It makes me happy! But every time I finish a book, I have many titles to choose from. If you scrolled down in my bio that is and you saw many titles. I am struggling to choose between two new stories:
          One is a Korean fiction who I will be giving the code called 'Bad Boy'. I need to come up with a title. It follows a white woman flying to South Korea to study and follow the Korean language at the university while staying with a not-so-kind rich host family. That's when she meets a hot Korean man named Jun-Seo, who is not only damn handsome like a K-pop artist but also the leader of his gang. Want to find out more? ;)
          The story is inspired by Blood Ink by @pocketbangtan and maybe also The Alpha Bite that I have written. 
          The next story is about an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh meeting a modern woman. The king suffers from abuse and being manipulated by his family and his advisor.  When he meets the modern beauty, they run away together to find a way back home to her world. The story is inspired by @luckycharms. 
          Check the pocketbangtan and luckycharms out! Both are amazing writers! 
          Oh, the story is called Pharoah's Forbidden Love.
          I was personally thinking of doing Code Bad Boy first but I wanna hear you all about which story should I do first that catches your interest. 
          Bad Boy or Pharoah's Forbidden Love? 
          P.S., I contacted luckycharms on Instagram and she is a very kind woman to help me :). I explained to her my vision of the story and she is okay with me starting one day because my concept is different than hers. 
          I also searched for pocketbangtan on socials but it's like she disappeared :(. I couldn't find her anywhere. So, I messaged her on Wattpad but the chances are very low, or even nothing for an answer.


Votes will be counted by me so I will be waiting for you all to send a response. This is also even sent on my Discord Server.


Hi, everyone.
          I'd like to say quickly a big thank you to you for reading my message when I needed comfort from you about my ex-best friend. I agree that I don't deserve to be bullied but no one deserves that to experience. Bullying can lead to worse things such as depression and suicide. I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO EXPERIENCE THIS!!!
          Good news! My backstory book is complete! Once my old teacher finishes checking my other book Wings out (spelling and grammatical), I can send my backstory book to her and publish Wings! But I need to get back to work on the drawings. I tried for very long to draw bodies but I think I will stick to headshots. Yes, I did draw some characters in a full body but never posed. It's difficult for me. 
          So, anyway, enjoy!


@Olivia200312 Hmm, where was that mentality before you misgendered your *fav* trans youtuber. Misgendering is a form of bullying. I have the screen shots and so do other people. As a matter of fact I found you through the net were somebody posted about your comment lmao


@NvyWfe thank you! :)
            I see that you love Noctis so I really should update my Noctis book slowly


@Olivia200312 congratulations! You have accomplished two things that you have worked so hard for, personal perseverance and self accomplishment.  But I know that this is just the beginning.  I can't wait to see what you do in the future. 