
Hi everyone! I have just uploaded a new short story that i wrote for a school assignment and i thought you all might like it! Its called Room 999 and i would love for you to check it out and dont forget to vote and comment! xx


I loved Living with Gypsies and I know you said you weren't going to write a sequal but have you thought of doing like a chapter that kind of sums up their lives.


@Stop_drop_and_read ya i agree i really would like that i just finished it and i thought it was amazing 


Hi there! I just started reading Kidnapped and it is amazing! Like wow! Your detail and the way you write is just incredible!
           I was wondering if you could please check out my story, I'd love for someone with talent like yours to critique my work!
          It's only a few chapters and stuff but yeah, could you please tell me what you think? 
