
Hi there guys....its been a long time. I know I've been gone a while. My father passed in May of 2023 and up until recently I wasn't in the best mental state. I had to cut off a lot of my father's family for a multitude of reasons. (Greed and when I didn't give them what they wanted they tried to start things. Yeah didn't end well for them and I went no contact) But I want to get back into the swing of writing again. I miss doing the things I love but over the past couple of months I had been to depressed to really do anything and I do mean anything. Not only could I not write but I couldn't game, read, hang out with my friends, etc. I just worked, ate and slept. Going through the motions. However I'm here to say I'm going to try and start updating again beginning withe the following books:
          	Mercy for Empathy (Male!reader x Able)
          	Daughter of Set.
          	Cold-blooded (Sikorsky x reader)
          	And if anyone has any questions related to updates for other books I'll do my best to answer.


@Pica-Bunny I’ve been really happy to see this message, I have kinda moved on to Quotev and Tumblr and only occasionally check Wattpad to see if there have been any updates. 
          	  I’m sorry about your dad and your family, I hope you're happier now and healthier. 
          	  (sorry about the awkwardness my first language isn't English) 
          	  Hope you have a wonderful day :)


Hi there guys....its been a long time. I know I've been gone a while. My father passed in May of 2023 and up until recently I wasn't in the best mental state. I had to cut off a lot of my father's family for a multitude of reasons. (Greed and when I didn't give them what they wanted they tried to start things. Yeah didn't end well for them and I went no contact) But I want to get back into the swing of writing again. I miss doing the things I love but over the past couple of months I had been to depressed to really do anything and I do mean anything. Not only could I not write but I couldn't game, read, hang out with my friends, etc. I just worked, ate and slept. Going through the motions. However I'm here to say I'm going to try and start updating again beginning withe the following books:
          Mercy for Empathy (Male!reader x Able)
          Daughter of Set.
          Cold-blooded (Sikorsky x reader)
          And if anyone has any questions related to updates for other books I'll do my best to answer.


@Pica-Bunny I’ve been really happy to see this message, I have kinda moved on to Quotev and Tumblr and only occasionally check Wattpad to see if there have been any updates. 
            I’m sorry about your dad and your family, I hope you're happier now and healthier. 
            (sorry about the awkwardness my first language isn't English) 
            Hope you have a wonderful day :)


this message may be offensive
Tumblr is a horrible platform if your ever worried about bullying. I literally watched a person I follow get bullied relentlessly and told to Kill themselves. I reported this to Tumblr only to get some half-assed bullshit "ItS oNlY aN oPiNiOn." Telling someone to kill themselves is an opinion?? Are you f*cking kidding me???
          Finally it got so bad they deleted their account.
          Tumblr f*cking sucks.


@DrPeppler I know....I really enjoyed their content too but they literally deleted pretty much everything. People suck.


I had Tumblr but it was for inspiration to write one-shots and I go currently to read nsfw
            But yeah some platforms freaking suck so it’s kind of understandable why you’re getting pissed and I understand I too would’ve snapped where I was cursing the person out…


@Pica-Bunny Honestly, these sites are so poor. I literally got called a racial slur and yet, the comment remained up.


Goodbye dad. I'll see you again someday in heaven pup pup. I love you. You fought so hard. 6 years with cancer and you fought. You were so tired pup pup and it's okay. I'll be taken care of.  It's okay. You rest now. I hope you and uncle Rob have fun together again.


            I'm so sorry for your loss... I can't imagine how it feels but I hope it'll get better soon :(


@Pica-Bunny Oh gosh...
            As someone who has also lost family to cancer, I offer my most sincere condolences. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here as well. :(


            My condolences Bunny, always remember that we're here for you if ever want to talk about anything. 