
I wouldn't be able to publish a new chapter of Worst Cupid Ever.
          	This week has been full of painful suffering. First food poisoning and now the most excruciating toothache that has me depending on pain meds to function. I just can't. Until next Sunday... 


@Tichendra thank you.
          	  Ended up getting the tooth removed. 


I wouldn't be able to publish a new chapter of Worst Cupid Ever.
          This week has been full of painful suffering. First food poisoning and now the most excruciating toothache that has me depending on pain meds to function. I just can't. Until next Sunday... 


@Tichendra thank you.
            Ended up getting the tooth removed. 


What are the best fantasy series you've read?
          Harry Porter comes first. A ten-year-old or a 90-year-old, any age can read those books. Simple sentence structure and fascinating concepts--everything flows. It was easy to love.
          Then we have the Throne of Glass series. Yeah, there are haters, but the haters don't matter cause I ate that series up---inhaled it. The end was a bit of a letdown but it wasn't awful to the point of sparking anger in me.
          I've got a new chapter of Worst Cupid Ever up. Check it out


@caralena I will definitely check them out. Thanks for the recs.


@Precious_Nkem there's 2 series I would suggest first is A.K. Aikin.  All the books here are great but I love the dragon series. Omg it's just so funny.  My next is by A.E. Rayne.  The Furyck saga.  This is a wow series.  Both of them start with a very strong woman and I love that.   There on kindle unlimited if you have.   


Super sorry. I wouldn't be able to post a new chapter for Worst Cupid Ever today. Writing has been a bit rough for me this week. :'(


@Precious_Nkem no prob dear. Looking forward to the next update 


What Character Type do you absolutely loathe?
          I can't stand doormat/poor-me-I-am-always-suffering-in-the-hands-of-bullies characters. 
          Mahn! Even my face subconsciously contorts in a grimace when I read their part. If the main character is the doormat, I'll DNF the book if I am halfway through and see no development. Sheesh! Grow a spine. 
          Anyhoo, I've got a new chapter of WCE


@Nixxypixel the disappointment always hits hard with that one. Why make me ship them if you wouldn't put a bow on it? 


@Precious_Nkem i also hate it when the main female character loves one ugly dude, and when two characters are supposed to be in love or together as a couple but then they never end up together in the end! (after all the constant shipping and fangirling, disgusting ) 


@Gigi_washere That's why I avoid stories with a love triangle trope. 10 out of 10 times, the female lead chooses the bad guy over the stable sensible dude.


What's the weirdest thing that inspires you to write a story?
          Sometimes I think up unusual story titles, create a killer book cover and then get inspired to write a story based on the title and the cover design. Pretty exciting process. Problem is getting to actually finish those stories. Smh
          Anyhoo, a new chapter of WCE is up. Checkie out


@Nixxypixel wow! Folks are so different. What inspires you is so unique. 


@Precious_Nkem when others are doing it and im like i can do it as well, then make a "friendly" competition to see who's book is way more worth reading and i just feel letting others see my imaginations and what i can achieve from them


Still waiting for feedback on Nezzar. \( ̄︶ ̄*\))


@Tichendra thanks a million for recommending Nezzar and for your support all through. And I'm super glad you enjoyed reading it. ❤️❤️


@Precious_Nkem It’s been an absolute pleasure going on this journey with you. I’ve loved this book every step of the way. Thank you for a job well done.
            I wish I was reading it for the first time!!!! I’ve told my sister to read it and she’s pretty pumped up about it. Well done!


Can now finally say that Nezzar is complete! Bruh... I almost can't believe it. 
          A kid they gave birth to when I started writing Nezzar would be running about and talking by now. Lol. 
          Anyhoo, thanks to everyone who stuck with the story. *flings love thy way*


Hi, @Precious_Nkem. I just like to say your biblical stories on Wattpad are amazing and I am still reading them.  I just have one question. Will there be any archangels like Michael or Gabriel in the series? I would love to see them in action. Maybe some Cherubim and Seraphim too. Thank you so much for keeping up the good work. Have a nice day.


@joel_huang Heya! Thanks a million. I always cherish feedback. 
            As for adding named angels in the bible to my stories, that's a possibility that's far off in the future. Since I try to be accurate, I'll have to do extensive research when it comes to them, so I'm weary already. 
            Still, thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep it in kind.