
I want to become a director or an actor... filmmaking/cinematography related.  


@Rakuwoo y'know I never looked on here and understood why you took so long to write but I get it now and all I'm gonna say is it's your life and no one controls you if your parents don't want you to do something then it might be time to do your own thing


I hope it works out for you!!


@Rakuwoo and how that worked out? Have you covinced them?


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Hey, umm, I, know it probably doesn't mean shit to you, but, I really like your work! And, I know you're probably dealing with a lot of shit, but, if all comes to all, I'll just ask this, may I have permission to basically copy and paste the Malo story, and credit you, AND finally finish it?


@ExoDus291 I uhhh, do need something though...you see I'm on a phone right? And I CANT COPY THE DAMN THINGS so uhhh...I'ma need you to press the copy and paste key binds or whatever their called and uhh...send em :|
            Aaaand don't worry! I can sense the disappointment in you :>


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@ExoDus291 oh, umm...I...Huh, I never thought I'd actually get this far, but, little do you know I'M A DETERMINED LITTLE SHIT SO I SHALL ACCOMPLISH YOUR FRIEND'S DREAM FOR THEM, AND I SHALL CREDIT THEM!!!
            I totally know what I'm doing (Send help)


@ DoctorPHONK  I've been one of the first to sort of "copy" his story and develop it. I've known Raku for about one year and a half before life hit him hard and I lost all contacts with him. If it makes you feel better, he wants to continue the story, but often dosen't find motivation or is always overworked when he does.
            I know it dosen't matter much, especially coming from me, but I'd like for you to sort of adopt his story. I know he'd like that.


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Hey man I seen you've been down some very very dark paths but trust me I lost both my parents to suicide. And went from house to house every day BC cps can't do shit I got dumped 5 times and my fake parents think I'm a failure but trust me you gotta just tough it out I'm going to warn you tho if by the time your reading this if it hasn't gotten better it's only going to get worse but don't let it break you ok the feeling of extreme melancholy that you feel is there to push you against the wall and you have to decide wether your going to get crushed or climb out the window sometimes it's better to use the crushing depression as a tool, a bargaining chip of sorts imagine yourself in a different life would it be better? No that's because you have to fight the riptide drowning you not wait for the water to drain


I want to become a director or an actor... filmmaking/cinematography related.  


@Rakuwoo y'know I never looked on here and understood why you took so long to write but I get it now and all I'm gonna say is it's your life and no one controls you if your parents don't want you to do something then it might be time to do your own thing


I hope it works out for you!!


@Rakuwoo and how that worked out? Have you covinced them?