
Hey y'all, I know I haven't been on here in forever, but do any of y'all know what teenfic.net is? Cause I've never used it in my life but for some reason, every fic I've written is on there under my username. I can't tell if it's a mirror site or plagiarism. I believe it's a mirror site because the views are the same but at the same time, if it is full of plagiarism then it shouldn't be allowed. While I personally don't care, I don't think it's fair to people actually trying to build a fan base and community, and people who are putting all their time and effort into their fics. So I was just wondering, wtf is going on?


Hey y'all, I know I haven't been on here in forever, but do any of y'all know what teenfic.net is? Cause I've never used it in my life but for some reason, every fic I've written is on there under my username. I can't tell if it's a mirror site or plagiarism. I believe it's a mirror site because the views are the same but at the same time, if it is full of plagiarism then it shouldn't be allowed. While I personally don't care, I don't think it's fair to people actually trying to build a fan base and community, and people who are putting all their time and effort into their fics. So I was just wondering, wtf is going on?


Fun fact: I don't think a single fanfiction that I've written has ever passed the Bechdel test. To be fair every fanfiction I've written has been centered around gay men, so that seems fair.


Don't know why I told you that. Just needed to tell someone I guess, and who better than another writer?


@RanbowKng ah ok. Thank you. Also, I was writing something, then wattpad decided to close out of nowhere and it erased all of my progress. Sadness has overwhelmed me now. 


@IDK456K it's a test to see if a piece of media has basic feminism. There are only three rules to pass. There must be at least two female characters, they must have names, and they must have at least one conversation that has nothing to do with other male characters 


Some days I see comments and think "lol the silly people on the internet are arguing over things that do not matter." Other days I have a severe case of "not in the mood for this bs" and just think to myself, "Children, do NOT make me turn this damn car around! You already lost McDonald's privileges, don't stoop low enough to have to lose Arby's!"


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Hey y'all, it's Mark on da puter. Just letting you know that I actually do plan on working on the HaiNen fic soon, but I jut got a new phone and Wattpad's being a lil shit about letting me log in, so I might be delayed yet again. I'm so sorry, but I promise I'll get to work soon


NVM, just got it back, will be updating in the near future 


Hey y'all, sorry about the impromptu hiatus on the HaiNen fic. I'm currently working on an AO3 fic, so I'll get back to it when I'm done with that one. Unfortunately I do also have a college essay to write and applications to fill out, so I'm still going to have to push it back until I'm done with that. Thank you for your patience, I promise it'll be our eventually.


Do you promote your books on Neobook ?


@enabuzendiotbtjk nope, the actual book I wrote is just a free PDF to download, but getting to it is difficult. My fanfic writing is exclusive to Wattpad and ao3. I don't have any profitable stories going for me yet. Everything is open and free to read 