
MAD - part 2 is up


Dear followers, I am thrilled to announce that I have returned to Wattpad! I have missed writing and sharing stories with all of you, and I can't wait to reconnect and continue our creative journey together. Thank you for your support and I look forward to sharing more stories with you all. Let's dive back into the world of storytelling together! ✨ #Wattpad #WritingCommunity #BackAndBetterThanEver


It's a toughest phase of my life. I lost my Dad 4 days ago. I don't want to accept this. Lots of thing happen~ You can't predict what will happen to you, the next moment. I hv been running away from my responsibilities. I think it's time for me to put a brake. Accept the reality. I will miss my dad. I will be a good child. Please give me strength.
          RIP Dad


@Luka5411 yes Luka. Thank you so much :-)


@Santa_ams Memories keep their spirit alive, we can't do anything, but we can be strong. being strong doesn't mean not to cry, or stop ourselves from feeling hurt, but to be ok with our emotions, identify them, and let them be. 
            your father may not be with you physically but in memory.
            little things like saying made-up words of his or whatever, that may make things easier. Looking on the bright side by thinking of happy times and not of the fact he is gone, that can make things so much better. 
            I hope your ok.


@Luka5411 yes (〒﹏〒) nothing can be done now. We should look ahead and keep moving forward. I m sorry for your lost too. It must be tough for you too.


Dear NamiStrawHat,
            Long time no see♡ hope u are ok ^^


@AstrixZCreator aww i hope u are better now♡♡ Miss u too♡♡


@AstrixZCreator Hehhehhe yeah long time was sick just recovered now hehhe miss ya 