
Yup, that's right! Free RN1NR short story is up now — completed in all its 2 chapters glory.
          	This is just a silly short story I wanted to write using characters from my completed stories in a fairy tale kind of scenario — so yes we are getting WSSME soon too. So check it out!


@ShayZayit yes I'm all in for the shorts merci beaucoup


Yup, that's right! Free RN1NR short story is up now — completed in all its 2 chapters glory.
          This is just a silly short story I wanted to write using characters from my completed stories in a fairy tale kind of scenario — so yes we are getting WSSME soon too. So check it out!


@ShayZayit yes I'm all in for the shorts merci beaucoup


You were doing so well with the daily updates...all that to say I'm enjoying your new story. I've definitely fallen for Eves charm as well, can't get enough of the 2 ( which is why I was rude earlier )


Well I'm now an educated Queen, thanks for informing me♡


Thank you VERY much for your updates on the Boss, I can't kill HOT women, and also adding how I could go to keep reading the other story I got hooked on,  about Anna & the teacher!! (I'm having a brain fart & don't remember.....) But because I couldn't just click on it to go to the site, I got interested in this story, so as you keep updating that story, hopefully by the time I'm done with this one you'll have it done?? And sweetie, I'm living on SSDI and Married to a blue collar construction worker that makes barely enough for us to get by, so all of our money IS already spent on the bills for living, so all my support will be the remarks I make and pressing the stars at the end of each chapter!!! My only concern is how much you swear and you actually use the Lord's name in vain, breaking one of the 10 commandments, and I cringe every time that I see it..... ‍


@Misty4Mark it want let me read it


@Misty4Mark ma'am you're reading lesbian stories with smut and your concern is swearing,,,