
Posted the newest chapter, go check it out! There's an intense scene heheh. Anyways, hope you've all been good nd forgive me for the delay. Take care and don't forget to vote and comment to let Me know what you thought please! Thank you!


The next chapter of CYFI might not be a very amazing one, more of a filler and to jog your memories but...but...the next to next one? YOU WILL LOVE IT (I hope) 


everything will be amazing 


Hello, people. Your writer isn't dead and has thus returned, in fact. You may be getting an update very soon (the writer fell sick as soon as she got time on her hand, the body gave up T_T) anywayssss, will be putting out a new chapter for CYFI by the end of this week so look out! I'm almost done w it!
          Hope you're all good <3


Hi guys, Iforgot to officially post that I put CYFI on hold because I'm not getting the time or have the energy rn to prioritize my writing sadly. College Is......colleging T_T. I hate that that I haven't written in months BUT promise you guys that come May I'll be back for sure so keep your eyes peeled. CYFI will be back on track soon enough. Thank you so much to everyone who's following me and waiting eagerly for it. Genuinely means so much to me, and I'm so sorry. But pls be a bit patient. Yk, I never abandon my works, I just sometimes have irl commitments and mental health to take care of, lol. I hope everyone else is doing good tho, good luck for exams and take care of your health pls or you'll get dehydrated and tired like me :')


I lied. I'm sorry guys, no update.this week either but next one for sure. I'm just really really kina dying this week, a lot on my plate and need to focus on studies and stuff. Kinda stressed. But I'll Def update next week and I'll even go for 2 chapters if I can. I'm so sorry and thank you for being so patient T_T


HI GUYS so sorry T_T, I'LL DO MY BEST AND UPLOAD THE NEXT CYFI CHAPTER THIS WEEK, I'm sure I'll be getting some time finally. So just hold on. And thanks so much for over 8.2k views, I'm so so happy!


chop chop author girl ☹️


A Valentine's Day update for my very faithful readers! So thankful for all the love you've showered me and CYFI with. Have fun with this chapter and meet some interesting new characters! Don't forget to vote and comment <3 
          I just published "14." of my story "Can You Feel It?".


Hello Skyler Chase! I got to tell you a little story. So I read love punched two months ago but I didn't read it entirely ok . Today i decided to read 10 chapters. Just ten and then I told one more chapter won't hurt and Skyler i blame for your writing for keeping me hooked onto the story. 8 hours later , I am here to say that i completed your book. There were enough twists, plot was really goood.A well rounded story! *Claps* Derek just became an ideal boyfriend for all of us. Thank you very much for writing this story! You now have a great day! 


@paruuu__ omg thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad to hear that. Thank you, really. Hehehe this made my day.