
@katiecruz My pleasure :) You are really talented ;) Good work (y) 


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Hi! Have you or any of your followers read Don’t Remember Me? It was on Wattpad sometime in the last year, year and a half, but I can’t find it anymore. I was wondering if maybe the author moved it to another app or published it, but I forget who the author was the book is a historical romance. I don’t remember many details, but I know the woman in the story was raped and had a child that either died or was given up for adoption. We don’t find this out until later in the novel though. She somehow meets a man, I think they met before but only in passing, and he noticed that her figure is different than most. They grow closer, fall in love, and he eventually finds out the story of how she was raped and gave birth. Please let me know!


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


@ScarlettBlackDaisy yes! I loved Knowing Xavier and desperately and patiently waiting for you to update Nathan's story! Can't wait to see how it unfolds


Hi I have been looking for a historical fiction that I read YEARS ago and I am hoping you can help me find it because I can’t remember what it was called. It was a novel about a prince and a healer that were arranged married because she was favored by the king. The prince was in a war with a rebel tribe and at one point there was a fire in the village. They both helped with repairs him with building her by healing. She even befriends an older sick woman and makes regular visits to her. Does this sound familiar at all? 


Hiya! I see you haven't posted anything in a long time but I am a fellow historical fiction fan and I was browsing through your recommendations list. Love the list... and I also love Greenwriters books!! I did however miss 1 writer that I think you are going to love love love considering you like Greenwriters stuff! Her name on here is LittleLo. She has multiple series by now. You should check her out! I promise it's absolutely worth it! 


Hi, I am search for book about maid that got mistaken for a lady. The duke saw her in dressing room 
          Please help me if you know the book title 


@MarwaAlHajri5 I think I have read something similar to it. Did you check my recommendations? It might be there or you can search in other reading lists. I'm sure it's saved somewhere. You might find something. 


I'm obsessed with historical fiction as well ohhh my gaaash.


@SmellyCat4Eva  whooaa finally ! i stumbled on your list of historical fiction . 


@jaycherry201 glad to know :D Enjoy reading! 


Hey just saw your book about best historical fiction books. OMG i cant believe i finally found someone as obsessed as me Ive read almost all the books on your list!! And I have to say you have such a fine taste  


@Haleemah_hs thank you so much, love! ❤️ I always try to bring good books in the list. Only add them if I find them different and unique. 