
The final chapter of False Reality is finally out!
          	The last ending was nowhere near as rewarding as I wanted it to be. Too hard sci-fi. Too much of a downer. I love making my readers feel bad but geez lighten the blight up guy! 
          	Writing this book took a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but it gave back so much more. It's given me purpose, hope and guidance during these last few years of uncertainty and hardships. And maybe one day soon, this story will help others out there in this big wide world of ours. Hell, that's why I started doing this in the first place. 
          	To everyone out there still reading this cringe sign off, just know that you are worthwhile, you are awesome and you will do incredible things, but only if you work hard enough. So keep going. Climb those mountains!


Thank you so much for following our account ❤ We hope you find some usage from us!  Our main way of helping the community is through our four book clubs.  If you want a quick overview of them, you can find one in the Book Club Guide chapter of our book, Dreamland Community.  Clubs are a great way to gain new readers!  If you are in search of a community where you can talk and interact with other writers, you may be interested in our discord!  You can find the link at the bottom of this message.  
          Aside from that, our Dreamland Reviews and Dreamland Help book are great for improving your writing.  Please forgive our slowness in updating though.  We have also recently opened up Dreamland Graphics for amazing covers!
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          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team
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The final chapter of False Reality is finally out!
          The last ending was nowhere near as rewarding as I wanted it to be. Too hard sci-fi. Too much of a downer. I love making my readers feel bad but geez lighten the blight up guy! 
          Writing this book took a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but it gave back so much more. It's given me purpose, hope and guidance during these last few years of uncertainty and hardships. And maybe one day soon, this story will help others out there in this big wide world of ours. Hell, that's why I started doing this in the first place. 
          To everyone out there still reading this cringe sign off, just know that you are worthwhile, you are awesome and you will do incredible things, but only if you work hard enough. So keep going. Climb those mountains!


And it's been another 20 days since posting... I was doing so well before the almost month long break. It's so hard to edit when you feel that certain parts of your story might need to be ripped out entirely to keep the narrative flow going.
          I'm strongly thinking about streamlining the second half. cutting out entire chapters. Maybe in the end it will be better. But I'm going to keep posting. Starting today
          Hope all of you lot are well


It has almost been half a year since I've posted.
          This year has been a strange one for us all. It's almost like real life has become a post-apocalyptic fantasy like the ones we all love to read about.
          I hope you're all staying safe out there and keeping your minds active. 
          If there's anything I can say to help, it's don't let this year be the year where things were taken away from you. Let this be the year where you faced your fears, achieved your goals, found the mentality to persevere through the toughest of trials. I want to look back on this year with pride. And you should all do the same.
          I know everyone reading this has dreams of being a writer. Please make that dream a reality. Do it for yourselves and your loved ones. Do it for the countless number of total strangers who's lives could change by reading your work. 
          In the last ten days, I've put more work into my story than I have this entire year. And every day I will continue forward no matter what happens. My final edit is almost finished. Next year, I'm going to get my book published. And I want you all to do the same.
          Take care and merry Christmas.


I am reuploading False Reality! There have been many changes made and it is in its final stages. Will upload a new chapter every Wednesday and Friday.
          For everyone who has read it, thank you for all your support! I have had some of the best readers and because of that, I have streamlined the story to what I'm uploading now.
          Hope everyone is safe out there.


Hope everyone is safe and secure. There are some crazy things happening in the world right now, but nothing is stranger than fiction. Use this time to hone your skills as writers. And remember to always appreciate the world we live in. No matter how bad things get.
          I've started a new book. I'll post a link here and plan on adding a new chapter each week. If you like it, please keep reading. And if you don't, please let me know what needs changing. Thank you, and stay safe!


Hey Wattpadawons! False Reality has just finished its 3rd draft. The story is almost ready to get sent out into the world. 
          Check it out while you can and feel free to give me all the critacism you can. I want this book to be as perfect as it can.
          Hope you are all well and using this terrible time to focus on your dreams. Stay safe!


Hey everyone! I am looking for a reading partner. If you have a finished book that needs a (semi) expert critique, I will give you real feedback and not just praise your writing. But I'll need you to do the same to me. 
          If you're serious about offering critique and have a thick enough skin to listen to some no holds barred feedback, please get in touch!
          Let's help each other get published.


The final chapter has just been uploaded... wow that sounds crazy to say. I can't believe I've finally made it. 
          I want to thank everyone that has read my book and hope that it one day reaches more people. 
          It really has been a journey. So please enjoy the final pages.


Woohoo well done, it’s amazing 