
Hello my lovely readers! I am still working on the next chapter but I will update as soon as I can. Thank you so much for your patience, your wonderful comments and your votes! ❤


Sorry I read no regrets again it is still a great concept I love Sirius being free .please add more it's so short and its something that I would love to read as you already know again and again. Thank you for writing this story it really is great. 


@SamSprrr Thank you! I am always happy to hear that someone enjoys what I write! 


I have just finished reading no regrets it's a great idea to keep tonks with remus but Hermione with serius is perfect. Personally I don't like romione he is just wrong for her do am happy to read anything different. Thanks for writing this I would love to read more of this story it seems it could be continued with the premise of happy ever after anyway I digress loved the story thank you for writing it. 


@TayaIngrid @SamSprrr 
            Thanks for the  message I completely agree anyway keep writing and thank you. 


@SamSprrr I strongly dislike Romione too, because I think that Hermione needs someone who has the same intrests as her, is intelligent and respects her. Ron always made fun of her studious nature and hurt her with his jealousy. She deserves someone better. Thankfully we have fanfictions. Anyway, thank you for reading!


Just wanted to say I look forward to reading more of what you write. 


@summerose97 you're welcome! Thank you for taking the time to leave a reply. 


@summerose97 Thank you, I really appreciate it!


Queen of dragons is brilliant i love the concept I really enjoy hermione and Charlie they are a far better couple because they have such similarities with intelligence .thanks for writing it would love to read more of this story. Good luck with the writers block. 


@SamSprrr  no problem I am a quick reader and bookworm  .I have just read queen of dragons again I still think it's brilliant probably the best charmione story. I am greedy when I enjoy a story and hope that the writers block has left you please continue to write this story. It has not left my reading list in ages.so good luck with your writing and thank you again. 


Hi, I just wanted to ask if the story Queen of Dragons will continue ?? He caught me quite a bit.


Dear @anna_slyterin_CZ
            To answer your question, yes I will definitely continue Queen of Dragons, I have a lot planned for this story. Sadly I have been dealing with every writer's nightmare: writer's block. It makes me really happy that people enjoy what I have written and I will update as soon as possible. Thank you for your comment. 