
Hi folks,
          	Thank you to the many people who have submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          	If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador but haven't applied yet, you still have a few days to review the Ambassador Program information on the @Ambassadors profile and submit your application. 
          	All the best, 


@RidvanMungan Bunu Türkçeye çeviremiyorum çünkü potansiyel Büyükelçilerin İngilizceyi anlamasına ihtiyacım var. İngilizce ekibin günlük dilidir.


Ay yarışma diyecektim


@TheOrangutan  gavin bunu Türkçe'ye de çevirir misin? Hiçbir şey anlamadım, yatişma mı? Ay bende katılmak isterimmmm


Hello! I was wondering if the June/July ambassador applicants have been notified if they have been accepted yet? ☺️☺️ If not, is there an approximate date?
          Thank you! 


Thank you!!!


@GingerBuzz - Hi, no, they've not been notified as yet. We'll be letting people know by mid July at the latest. Cheers, Gavin


But your profile badge is different from the Ambassador so I don't know, I just notice that..... you are a Ambassador right or you are a senior and well known oldest Ambassador is that the reason you have a different badge on your profile, I know it's none of my business to know but I just got curious so I ask. 


OMG! After almost a month I really get a helpful reply and almost after 4 month one of the biggest Wattpad Ambassador reply me with such normal tone it's unbelievable.....  Lots of thank you and I really appreciate that you take your time and help me out hopefully in future if I have any problem at least I can rely on you and seek out for help. (OR I know you are very busy but if you believe that there is any other Ambassador who is just like you and talk to new users and help them out you can recommend me I am happy to take any type of guide from your side) 
          1) can you please recommend me one book/ YT video from where I can learn about the hashtag, how to add music to your book, how to add those voice over in book I have seen in some books etc. A to Z guide about wattpad to become a author. Whatever things you believe is necessary for a new user or author needs to know. ( you can recommend) 
          2) The Ambassador who voluntary work even though I wasn't sure now that I know that they are not staff they are voluntary working "my sincere apology" but some are taking business outside of Wattpad to please check other social media I cannot name any of those famous Ambassador...... because they have lots of reads on their multiple books & good number of follower. 
          Have a nice day or evening! 


I recently found out 


@AuthorRavenBlack so you know, they try to reply as much as they can to avoid wattpad users getting confused, so when they don't reply they probably don't have the time and try to reply all your meaningful questions 


@AuthorRavenBlack - I would suggest that your first port of call for information should really be the Help pages as they are collectively far more complete than my own knowledge and also you don't have to wait for a reply. 
            The Help Pages are here - - and you should be able to find information there on hashtags, adding music and also pointers about writing. The Text to Speech function you mention there is not something that's still available though. 
            There are also some writer resources here -
            And my badge is different because I am a member of the Wattpad staff. I lead the Ambassador team.


I have a question for you if you don’t mind, one of my stories was removed by Wattpad, the email I received only said that I violated one of the guidelines, I made two tickets asking for whoever to elaborate more about the matter, the story had been uploaded for a long time and it was just recently taken down, for what I have gathered with other writers I am not the only one who went through this, I just wondered if you could tell me what can I do to recover my story 
          Thank you in advance have a great day 


Have a great day 


And one more thing how will I know when you reply my questions will I get a notification because I don't always log in my account? 


@AuthorRavenBlack - And as for the reply, when you next login your notifications should be waiting for you and if you’ve registered an email to your account that you have regular access to you should also get an email notifying you that I have replied. 
            I hope that all helps. 


11) if the Ambassador are not helpful anymore with new users then what is the purpose of them or what is their new job to be honest I want to become the part of the Ambassador community and established myself as a good author and humble person, helpful in front of the community there is a lot of negative going on regarding this topic you may or may not believe me, but you can check on different social media that people are really annoyed.... extremely rude behaviour of ambassadors
          12) last but not leave is it true that Whattpad is doing favour to ambassadors? I have talk to some they say they got rejected as an Ambassador on their first go that's their first attend that could be a reason I don't know anything but what is the criteria to become a successful Ambassador and author their must be something that new users or new authors don't know could you please elaborate or explain if this is the reality or not? ( this is something I don't experience personally so I won't make any assumption but the Wattpad Ambassador yes 100% I face it myself) 
          I can only hope for honest reply from your side and please reply all this 12 questions....(3/3) 


@AuthorRavenBlack - 11. See answer to questions 8 and 9.
            12. Ambassadors get no special treatment for volunteering their time to help the community. We get 1200+ people applying to join the team every four months. I can only take 100 or so into the team every four months, so people will not always get into the team first try. We take people in who are relatively new, some who are a lot more experienced, we also take in readers, writers, and people from all over the world. Every time we recruit we are looking for different things, so I can’t give you exact criteria other than we’re looking for great members of the community.


          8) now that everything is change specially the Ambassador behaviour towards new user if you don't mind me asking can you please reply with honesty what is the purpose of Ambassador anymore when they are not even helpful to new user what is their job now? (**IMPORTANT**)
          9) I won't name any of the Rude Ambassador I was talking in Instagram which is really annoying and frustating back in the days they used to reply always and they have humble and polite tones but now they are extreme rude they believe they are Ambassador and they can dominate the new users and after reading your community guidelines they are really violating but still I assume there is nothing is going to happen because we are new users and we are valueless wheather we become a part of your community or not you 100 or 1000 people won't hurt your million or billion dollar book community. 
          10) and why some Old wattpad Ambassador are leaving their post because I have seen some who have left their post?


@AuthorRavenBlack - 8. I don’t think Ambassador behaviour has changed towards new users, they will always help people when and where they can. The roles on the Ambassador team are detailed in the information on the @Ambassadors profile as noted. 
            9. Things change, people come and go, and the Ambassador Program evolves too. New users are just as important as any other user and as noted before I prefer my team not to use Instagram or other social media for Ambassador business. If you’ve had a bad experience with an Ambassador then you can report them, same as any other user, and if you have any evidence that an Ambassador is doing things that are contrary to Wattpad’s Guidelines then we need to know. 
            10. Ambassadors leave the team for many reasons, and that is up to them. This is why we encourage people to apply to the team so that when we lose members of the team we can recruit new Ambassadors to keep things going.


4) can you explain why that feature was removed is there any possibility that Whattpad may bring this feature in future?
          5) and can you tell me how to become a Ambassador because that's really interesting for me? Give me a reference from where I can fill out the form and read more about it because I cannot find the guide which was there which used to help you to fill out the form and become a Ambassador?
          6) now that the platform has changed a lot so is that mean new uses cannot participate to become a Wattpad Ambassador? ("Is that mean only people with higher leaves and extreme follower on wattpad and other social media will only get the chance to become a part of the Wattpad Ambassador community") now on different social media platform people are saying this that may be Wattpad has changed a lot so is it true.....
          7) how to stay in contact with a human 24/7 whenever I am need in help regarding my book because submitting a ticket and maybe this time I get a reply and next time maybe I won't get a reply from your side and even you might ignore this message after reading my concern.(2/3) 


@AuthorRavenBlack - 4. I’m assuming you mean the Private Message feature. Please have a look at the link I provided in answer 1. It talks about the ‘Why’ there. 
            5. Please have a look at the information on the @Ambassadors profile. There’s a ‘story’ there called The Ambassador Program that talks all about what they do, and also how to apply. 
            6. You have to have at least 4 months experience to become an Ambassador. That has always been true. We do not care how many followers you have, or whether you read or write. Social media is social media, don’t believe everything you read there. 
            7. I don’t ignore messages on my profile and neither do the Ambassadors. But Ambassadors do not control the ticket system in the Support pages, they are volunteers, not staff.


Hello there! Hope You're Doing Well.... 
          1) back in the day like 2024 june there was a feature called messaging and you can talk to the Wattpad Ambassador directly but now that feature is removed how can I talk to the ambassador for writing my book because I am new so that Ambassador was helping me with design book detail and many other aspects?
          2) back in the days The Ambassador where really polite and they reply with humble and politeness now that feature is removed they don't bother to reply anymore on Instagram or any other social media?
          3) can you please provide me a document or which help me to understand how to use the hashtag how to use music how to promote your own book a to z, to become the best author on your platform is not like I only work on your platform I work on other example chapter interactive story. So there are real human those who are guiding every step but now your platform is absolutely different.......  (1/3) 


@AuthorRavenBlack - 1. The private messaging feature was removed on May 6th 2024. There’s some more information on that here - 
            You can still talk to Ambassadors on the various profiles they run, and the main Ambassadors profile is here @Ambassadors  
            2. The Ambassadors do not have social media accounts any more other than their own personal ones. I encourage my team to keep all Wattpad business on Wattpad and prefer that they do not carry out their volunteer via social media so they have no obligation at all to answer any questions about Wattpad outside the Wattpad platform. 
            3. Platforms change, Wattpad is no different, but there are still humans behind the platform, and resources are available to writers like yourself via the Help pages. For example, there’s a help page here - - on how to promote your story


Hi folks,
          Thank you to the many people who have submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador but haven't applied yet, you still have a few days to review the Ambassador Program information on the @Ambassadors profile and submit your application. 

          All the best, 


@RidvanMungan Bunu Türkçeye çeviremiyorum çünkü potansiyel Büyükelçilerin İngilizceyi anlamasına ihtiyacım var. İngilizce ekibin günlük dilidir.


Ay yarışma diyecektim


@TheOrangutan  gavin bunu Türkçe'ye de çevirir misin? Hiçbir şey anlamadım, yatişma mı? Ay bende katılmak isterimmmm