
          	Those who turn a blind eye to injustice are just as guilty as those who commit it.
          	- Blind Eye
          	the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
          	I don't like using my platform for anything political. But this far past political they are massacring innocent civilians.


          Those who turn a blind eye to injustice are just as guilty as those who commit it.
          - Blind Eye
          the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
          I don't like using my platform for anything political. But this far past political they are massacring innocent civilians.


Hello! To anyone reading my Yandere Yugioh book, you may notice my chapters are down, Son't worry, I'll have them all up by tomorrow. I've gone through it and didn't like how short they were, and how little interaction with the characters there actually was. 
          By tomorrow the chapters will be slightly rewritten, edited, and improves, as well as a few extra chapters


I was wondering is the Yugioh book on hold or not it's ok if it is i was just wondering and please don't feel pressured to continue it if you don't want to


Ok and no problem


:)) thanks for the concern, don’t worry I’m planning on updating Yugioh soon, sometime around next week.


From: Urubuzinho_Zoka
          For: The_Wayward_Writer
          Hi I would like to translate your story.
          Of course I would like to ask your permission.
          All credits will be yours, as the story is your creation.
          I just want to make her popular in the Brazilian fandom.


@ The_Wayward_Writer   Right,Thank you


            I would love that! You have my full permission as long as credit is given, just so there’s no confusion for people who may read both


Hiii! I just wanna say that I loved all your stories! Especially the Yandere DC story it’s one of my favorites! I just kinda wanna know what the plan of for the next book which is part 2 so are you going to be making a sequel or a prequel? Like when will the polls end, before May 30th? Cause I was just wondering on the books process will you be posting new chapter on certain days before the date or will you be drafting some of the chapters before the 30th. 
          So sorry about all the questions I’m just so stoked for the new book and the wait is killing me!!!
          With loves<


            Hi! And thanks :)! For the most part, I’m making up a plot line, when May 30th comes around I’ll already have the main plot points written. If Book 2 ends up being a prequel, I already have a plot line for that.
            For the most part, I’ll try to keep my updates consistent, like once or twice a week.