
Shout out to @3mberRose and "Serenade of The Veiled Eyes". This slow-burn teen fiction features Amilia and begins with an eerie encounter. As it continues to haunt her, Gabriel arrives. His actions can be quite contrasting, leaving her unsure whether to befriend him. It’s a story that explores bullying, found family, and offers the friends-to-enemies and enemies-to-lovers dynamic. I enjoyed how the author captures the tense and unsettling moments and atmosphere with their descriptions. You can check it out here: 


Shout out to @3mberRose and "Serenade of The Veiled Eyes". This slow-burn teen fiction features Amilia and begins with an eerie encounter. As it continues to haunt her, Gabriel arrives. His actions can be quite contrasting, leaving her unsure whether to befriend him. It’s a story that explores bullying, found family, and offers the friends-to-enemies and enemies-to-lovers dynamic. I enjoyed how the author captures the tense and unsettling moments and atmosphere with their descriptions. You can check it out here: 


Shouting out 2 awards:
          For all you readers out there, 'The Virtues Awards 2024' is open for submissions for your favourite reads in the Fantasy, Paranormal, Sci-Fi, Horror, Mystery, or Mature categories. Come nominate the great novels/novellas you've found on the site that deserve more recognition. 

          For the writers, The Cinepolis Awards are very straightforward and easy to enter. Lots of room for entries at the moment in all genres (great news if you want to enter your romance book since that genre always fills up fast)


If you're looking for a contest to enter, check out @esthetiquecommunity 's the Esthetique Fiction Awards 2024. Ongoing and completed stories are welcome, and the contest welcomes LGBTIA+ submissions too. It also seeks to highlight stories that have not had recognition in other awards which is great for those new works that you're still trying to get out there :) 


Thank you for 1k reads on 'Flight Risk'! I appreciate all your reads and fantastic comments. The story is getting added to more and more reading lists which is fun to see. I've uploaded a new chapter as promised -- more wedding drama-- and am working on next week's which will close up the wedding section so we can move on to the big road trip. 
          Have a wonderful weekend everyone :) 
          (I'm still way behind with catching up with the wonderful stories I've been reading and haven't forgotten about you all. I'll be catching up as I can)


@kikipee Thank you so much ❤️ Looking forward to catching up with Amara and Jake too :)


@Voyageavecmoi I can't wait to read all the wedding drama! Congratulations on the 1k reads❤️


Looking to discover some new books and win some prizes while reading? We're running the 'Gems Reading Fest' over at @FlexibleBookExchange for books our club members have enjoyed and recommended to spread some love with authors on the platform. 
          It's running now and into early May (with the possibility of it being extended into June) and you can win reads and comments on your story (if you're a writer) and a shout-out for the first-place winner for one of their stories. Plus you get to read fantastic books! 
          I've had the pleasure of checking out 7 of the 14 featured books and enjoyed them all. Anyone can participate, including people from outside the book club, and we'd love to see you there!


Finally have an update for one of my stories! More of the wedding scenes in 'Flight Risk'. 
          For anyone reading 'Forget It', I will be continuing the story but not for the ONC. Since early April I've been trying to fit the plot into the novella word count, but even with the chapters I wrote it it felt too rushed and I've already had the disappointing rushed novella ONC experience (with this same story idea--you'd think I'd have learned it's not meant to be a novella by now XD) and would rather tell the story the way it should be told as a novel and not worry about condensing it. Hoping to return to updating it in May. Thanks for all your support.
          I will be slowly catching up with replying to your wonderful comments and reading the fantastic stories I've begun soon. April has been a busy month. Take care ❤️


@rhymeswithfry Yeah, I bit off more than I could chew storywise XD. Aw, thanks! Looking forward to catching up with your entry soon :) 
            I spent an entire day researching for a few paragraphs of one chapter (and I still have no idea if I know what I'm talking about), so I think in order for it to be the story I want it to be, I need to take it at a slow pace to do it justice.


@Voyageavecmoi yeah, same. I would like to finish it, but yeah, will not be by April 30th :D 


@voyageavecmoi I was wondering how you were gonna fit the plot into a novella. You’ve built such an immersive world and interesting characters that I can’t wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds!


'Forget It' made it through round 2 of the ONC! Congratulations everyone, whether you made it through or not, you've turned your ideas into a great piece of writing, and I wish all of you who are in the same boat as me with a significant portion of their novella left to write all the best to reach the finish line. 
          Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement and support along the way. It's truly heartwarming ❤️
          I haven't made a ton of progress offline and want to write ahead a bit before posting the next chapters so I can make adjustments as needed. New chapters will likely come toward the end of the month. I'll have an update for 'Flight Risk' this month too, but it'll be light on updates until May. It may also take me a while to get back to the wonderful stories I've been reading. Thanks for understanding! I'm going to do my best to finish this novella.


@hrb264 I feel very much in this boat right now. I've cleared the 20k but it's wrapping up the story that'll be tough. Good luck with your writing.


@bigfivedonaldduckfan Thanks AJ! I got through a section I really had to research this weekend, but am struggling to motivate myself to get the writing done. Let's hope the rest of the week goes a bit better. Thanks :)


Happy International Asexuality Day! 
          Thank you to all the wonderful ace or ally authors out there sharing the ace experience in their stories. My journey toward accepting and understanding my asexuality began reading and writing ace characters' experiences here, and I'll always be grateful for that.
          A big thank you to the @TripleACommunity for the work you're doing featuring stories featuring aromantic and asexual characters and spreading awareness. I highly recommend checking out their reading lists as you'll find fantastic stories there.  
          On a closing note, I just wanted to add love looks different for everyone. It can be having someone navigate your hardest days with you and fully support your recovery. It can be exploring new places together. It may be a tender embrace, a hand squeeze, or a shared enamoured smile. It can be romantic or platonic, and it's all valid and wonderful. I hope my fellow aces feel that today and carry that feeling for the rest of the year :)


@eleanorkennedy14 Same to you ❤️
            @MarCafeWrites I had forgotten it was April, but the TripleACommunity and a few others shared it. There's also an ace/aro awareness week in late October. It is :) I feel like growing up it was never explained properly and if it was mentioned it was used as the punchline to jokes which was disheartening. Visibility is getting much better ❤️ 
            @bigfivedonaldduckfan It was April 6th technically since I caught it at the end of my timezone. Thanks, same to you! Yes to all of that :) ❤️


@Voyageavecmoi  I didn't realise this was today either! Happy International Asexuality Day! Such a great message here ♡ May we have (even) more ace rep and acceptance in the future ^^


@Voyageavecmoi I didn't realize there was a day for this. But April is Autism Acceptance month, so I guess the timing makes sense. Thanks for such an uplifting message. It's nice to be thought of in a positive light for a change! ❤️