
i have updated forbidden love!! hahaha hope you all enjoy and let me rest for now.


Thank you so much! Ican’t wait for the next chapter


nex to update, forbidden love coming soon


            Wow really? Perhaps the other didn't watched the anime... In honesty i first watched Belle in TV at first i thought it's gonna be boring remake ver of Beauty and the Beast.
            But i was completly wrong! In the end i cried heavely... It was beautifull!!!


@PetGriggory why yes! you're the first one to notice the song! i really love that anime movie a lot.


Oh and one more thing i notice in chapter 19 where Diamond single a song.
            That was a song from anime Belle right? A Million Miles Away?
            I only watched this anime like few days ago. And my favorite song is Gales Of Song and A Million Miles Away (Climax).


Time to update between these two soon:
          1. Through the seer's eyes
          2. The forbidden love




Through The Seers Eyes'!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


@White_Strike20 Forbidden Love, it is such a heartthrob ♥️


Justice have been served! We won after the head teacher of the school agree that we have rights to do the right thing. So they will have a “little chat” towards the one who caused tl hold us back on this project. [not gonna lie but its quite satisfying when our advisor, our art professor, and our physical education professor stood firm for us and fought against the ‘two face lizard.’ Professor. I never been satisified and more amused when i saw the pissed expression on our advisor after listening to our concerns and pointing out how wrong did the professor did to me and my classmates. Now if you all excuse, im gonna comfort my tears of joy classmates of mine before going home and start updating some information of the story or next chapter.


I have a question to every single one of you….. how do you feel when ghe school doesnt respect you??? (Sorry, i am so frustrated right now about what happened today with my classmates at college.)


@White_Strike20 I'm graduated so I really don't have that problem


@NCreading i. . . .i am overall speechless right now while reading this but anyway, thank you. It's just, the teacher of that school is being disrespectful and calling us 'selfish pr #' because we didnt put other faces on the wall while duing mural painting. I really wish i could say back to him that 'oh really? why dont you say so? we could put your stupid face on the wall you lizard!' the 'lizard' part is what my classmate called him. But for me, two face pr #$. So its overall decision to everyone, my classmates that were gonna leave it in flat colors, no shadings, nor anything else. And leave it there because how disrespecful they are. To be honest, as an artist, i feel discourage and been criticism that they dont appreciate the hard work that me and my classmates gave to this stupid mural. We literally sacrifice our school schedule class just for that, and this is the thanks we get after everything we all gave?? sorry, i need to rant it out here because wattpad is my comfort zone. . .  I cant tell this to my family nor teacher cause they will not understand the situation.


@White_Strike20  hope you're feeling ok and nothing dangerous happen to you,to answer you're question I just tell my mother or other family member,its help me vent some of the anger and help me to what I should do in this situation, (buts I suggest that maybe you could talk to a teacher  or family member but only if you want its different for all of us after all)
            Totally out of context sorry I think I rant at this no need to read though I just unconsciously started story telling my experience 
             lol my mother will surely make sure they get what they deserve,like one time a guy punch me got a busted lip,my head hurts that time, mom got mad reported it and went to the guys home,and waited for him at school the next they so they could go to the principal face to face (the guy didn't come to school)
            And for context why it all happen I was protecting my sister who was getting bullied by a girl she doesn't even know just started to bully her and I think the guys is her friend and starts to fight with us,and my sister could have ask my brother help but my brothers an *sshole he won't help so it's a girl vs a guy as you can tell there's a huge different in strength, so the start of him punching us is when he bump his head but its was clearly his fault botly trip and blame on us so he punch us,most annoying thing is those people mostly older kids i think some where his friends sides with the guy telling WE FRICKING PUSH HIM SO HE HITS HIS HEAD oho I was so mad that time I scream while telling my side of the story