
Happy new year! I hope this year is better than the last couple of years I’ve had.


I can't wait for Second Chances!!!! Your first book was amazing! Your writing gets you lost in a new world! It is absolutely FANTASTIC!!! Thank you for writing it!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!


Thank you so much! It means a lot to me that you enjoyed it because lately I’ve been feeling like nothing is good enough. And I feel so bad because I have the second book planned out and everything I just need to actually write it. I plan to reread the first book to find some motivation to write again. Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it. 


My grandma just called me while I’m at work and she she is going to pick me up and we are going to my sisters because she need to tell us what the nurse told her about my mom who has leukemia. I don’t get off until 5 and it’s 2. I’m currently in the bathroom trying not to panic. But I know the news isn’t going to be good.  


@WinchesterFamliy I'm really sorry for loss, I know there is nothing I can say that will ease your pain, all we can hope that your mom is in better place. Remember the good times with her, and keep her in your heart, it'll feel like she's still there with you.
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The world really is unfair. This morning my baby passed away. She was a ten year old boxer. I had been taking her to the vet everyday for two weeks to get antibiotics because the doctor said she had been poisoned and she started having seizures the other day. She was in so much pain, I know that, and I’m glad shes not hurting anymore. It just breaks my heart though because I loved that dog more than anything. And earlier this year my dachshund died in February so that makes two of my babies gone this year. I can’t handle anymore. I have one dog left, a two year old Alaskan husky and if something happens to him as well then I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ve been crying all morning. 
          I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. But I gave her a hug and told her that I loved her so at least she knew that she was loved. 


I’m so sorry to hear about your dogs! My family lost a dog we’ve had technically my whole life since I was a child just a couple years ago. I understand that pain, and I hope it gets better! Sending you lots of love and hugs! <3 <3 <3
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Hey Sara! Thank you so much for adding "Burning Gods & Wicked Angels" to your reading list. This doesn’t go unappreciated. Enjoy the rest of your read, if you've started it, and if you have yet to start, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again, and have a wonderful day. — Denise