
New chapter of Problems is all yours x
          	Only one more chapter left of season 2 after this one


Hey guys, sorry for the disappearing act. I’m on full time work at the moment and have just been completely wrecked every night I get home. Divine Move is going to be my next update, I’m in the process of writing it now. I’m not giving up on the writing, I just can’t do it as often as I would like. Hope you guys can understand 


@WrathfulDeity I was just about to read the new chapter! see you there :)
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@MysticalDragon0 @amazylee appreciate you both. New chapter is up now for Divine Move. A Little Death and Problems are in the works 
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@WrathfulDeity no worries, real life is way more important. Glad to see the FanFic writer curse didn't get you haha. Don't push yourself. There is not a time limit on our support  :)
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Hope you're ok, girl. Missing your Divine move updates. Hope the Fanfic writer curse didn't get you.


Hey, thanks for checking in. Just posted an update on my message board. The curse hasn’t caught me just yet I hope hahah. Divine Move will be the next update, I’m working on it now
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Hi, I hope this question doesn’t annoy you especially because this is one that’s been asked many times to you, but when will the next update on Divine Move be posted?


Hey, doesn’t annoy me at all. sorry for the late reply. Just posted an update on my message board. Divine Move will be the next update, I’m working on it now 
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Hey are you going to  be updating divine move???


@Jennifer827069 thanks so much, that means a lot :)
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Okay love your books btw :-)
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Hey! I’m working on the next update now! Should be soon!
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Firstly, thank you all for being so patient. Uni is over so I should be able to update soon. 
          I would’ve done so sooner but considering this is a hobby that doesn’t impact my future, I had to prioritise work and school. 
          Anyway, I’ll be seeing you all soon
          If there’s a particular story you want updated first, lemme know in the replies x


Hey I was actually working on that today. It’ll either be updated tonight or tomorrow! 
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Hi, I hope I’m not disturbing you or your work but I was wanting to ask when will you update Divine Move? I am not rushing you to do anything, I completely understand that you are busy, I just only wanted to ask that.
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