
Hey everyone! 
          	Wow, time really flies, doesn't it? 
          	It feels like just yesterday I dipped my toes into the Wattpad world during the COVID days. From timidly leaving comments to diving headfirst into writing, it's been quite the journey. Along the way, I've developed a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of stories in our culture, including the beauty of Sanskrit tales.
          	I've had my ups and downs, even lost an account along the way, but the love and support from all of you have remained constant. I can't thank you enough for sticking by me and embracing my work with open arms.
          	After opening my Wattpad account in a long while and finding over 400 notifications was a delightful shock! It warms my heart to see that my stories are still being enjoyed by readers old and new.
          	I will try to be more constant, since I have had two new story drafts waiting on the lists and a few chapters of TT as well. But I haven't got the time to sit down and edit it properly. Hence, the delay. 
          	Oh well, we will get there soon enough.
          	So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your continued love and support. I know, I am late but, here's to a year filled with blessings and happiness. 


@YouCreate___ always ready for your new writings! :)


@YouCreate___ Welcome back, it's been so long since we last heard from you.


Oh. My. God.
          You do not know for HOW LONG I have been searching for you and your stories, it's been over 2 years or maybe only 2 years idk at this point.
          I used to read your stories without an account before joining 
          And you also left before I joined :,)  :,) :,) :,)
          I found the announcement I posted on May 4 2022 asking if anybody had any idea about you
          I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your stories
          Thank you for coming back <33333333
          btw can we be friends?
          ~Your new but old reader


The number of times I had searched bratatibanerjee  then realising oh its the other way round but not getting any result anyways :,(
            I also searched Choices: A Start and Choices: They Give Birth To Possibilities(same book ik) along with Love Across Time and Tale As Old As Time
            Ufff Love ur books too much man
            And I gotta be honest I don't read many books with Karna as the protagonist but here I am :D :D :D :D
            Good Night!!!!


Hey everyone! 
          Wow, time really flies, doesn't it? 
          It feels like just yesterday I dipped my toes into the Wattpad world during the COVID days. From timidly leaving comments to diving headfirst into writing, it's been quite the journey. Along the way, I've developed a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of stories in our culture, including the beauty of Sanskrit tales.
          I've had my ups and downs, even lost an account along the way, but the love and support from all of you have remained constant. I can't thank you enough for sticking by me and embracing my work with open arms.
          After opening my Wattpad account in a long while and finding over 400 notifications was a delightful shock! It warms my heart to see that my stories are still being enjoyed by readers old and new.
          I will try to be more constant, since I have had two new story drafts waiting on the lists and a few chapters of TT as well. But I haven't got the time to sit down and edit it properly. Hence, the delay. 
          Oh well, we will get there soon enough.
          So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your continued love and support. I know, I am late but, here's to a year filled with blessings and happiness. 


@YouCreate___ always ready for your new writings! :)


@YouCreate___ Welcome back, it's been so long since we last heard from you.


          I was just re-reading choices again and remembered your other story significant change. Is there any chance that we can have that story back again??.
          Pretty please...


Sure no worries... take your time hopefully someday you'll write it again


@Maanii28 No. I think I told that I have lost two of my drafts? 'Choices' was given back to me by  a reader who had saved my work previously. 
            That story can only be back if I rewrite it again. At the moment, it won't be possible. Perhaps, some day, I'll sit down and try to write it again.