
Thank you all so much for 100 followers! Honestly, I can’t thank y’all enough ❤️


@YourLocalBookworm57 np you deserve it✨️✨️


Thank you all so much for 100 followers! Honestly, I can’t thank y’all enough ❤️


@YourLocalBookworm57 np you deserve it✨️✨️


Dude I didn’t recognize the story I was reading was urs till the very end!! I need to go look at ur other works now bc 2 for 2 I’ve not been disappointed(´∀`)


Guess I might as well make a hundred for ya in return, congrats on reaching it!!!


✨ Upcoming Oneshot! ✨
          Title: ‘Till The End
          Fandom: My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia
          Izuku didn't expect it.
          It was fast, unexpected, out of his reach. He hated that he couldn't stop it, the unexpectedness of the incident hurting him more.
          He should have seen it coming. He was fast, could notice things, could remember things. So, how couldn't he see it? How couldn't he remember where he was last? Why was he so slow to stop it?
          Hopefully it will be released some time this month! I will warn you, it is extremely angsty with some comfort scenes, so be prepared! :>
          See you next week, readers! :)


Along with my upcoming chaptered books, I’ll hopefully be releasing more oneshots soon too! :)
          Also, I am still writing chapter 10 of Monster, so hopefully I can release that soon. Just got to write a couple more scenes and it’s good for release! :D
          See you tomorrow in His Hero! :)


"He'll be okay. He's a strong fighter, so he'll pull through in no time." - Nemuri Kayama, Chapter 15 of His Hero
          The battle is finally wrapping up, but what will happen to Izuku and Shota? Will they survive? Or will this story take a turn for the worst?
          Find out in the final chapter of His Hero on Thursday! :)


“My name is Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. I'll be interrogating you today as a result of the rescue mission that was recently carried out. Before we start, I have to inform you I have a quirk that tells me if you lie or tell the truth, call it a lie detector if you must. Any questions or shall we begin?” - Naomasa Tsukauchi, Chapter 5 of Poison From The Same Vine
          It seems like things are finally getting better for the duo. Will they connect with the real world or will things go south?
          See you on Sunday! :)