
Alot of people have been asking mecc BFF about the update of DOCTOR’s BUTTERFLY. 
          I will be getting my vacations soon so will start with the regular updates from 10 or 12. 


Its been a while the job has been a bit hectic with a lot of things come up in a repetitive manner. 
          So hardly get time to open wattpad, leave writing I don’t get time to read the stories. 


@_AestheticWriter22_ :( it's ok, hope your burden gets less and you get some free time soon, then you can write for us ❤️


          Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu!!
          Hope you’re doing great!!
          This message is to bring in notice of you that I have been taking interview of the Author..I really appreciate the hard work you put in writing… I take interviews of all the Fabulous and amazing writers and I feel you’re one of them ..I’ll like to do Interview session with you .. If you’re accepting my offer then do text me back ..
          I’ll be waiting for your response..
          Hoping for a positive response..
          Lastly a very genuine Thank You for taking your time and reading it till end..:
          * A simple ordinary girl who likes to read and share the stories of Authors…:)


Will be posting the next update tonight. 
          And if you all love some bad boy’s traits you will like the chapter. 
          If you do then do let me know in the comments. For now let me complete the chapter.


Okay I wrote the chapter of QUEEN OF HIS HEART. 
          But honestly I forgot the whole story line. 
          And now I am wishing to delete that story and start another one which is now in my mind. 


@_AestheticWriter22_ pls do so which you can write we are ready to read the story with unique story line from you 


@_AestheticWriter22_ it's ok you don't want to continue it but please do write a manan historic ff in future:)


@_AestheticWriter22_ please don't remove it we love that story of urs