
Thank you guys for 600 followers, I love you all so much!! 


Hey, did u remove or delete Tutoring Reid Anderson? I can't seem to find it anymore, and although I've alr read it, I was in the middle of re-reading it...


@sandhuk00 Also, there's soccer tryouts and a soccer game for Maeve, as well as some football games for Reid. And a Halloween party at Grayson's family cabin or smth like that. There's at least 3 or 4 parties. If I rmbr anything else, I'll let u know... 


@sandhuk00 Well, I'm rlly sorry, but even though I read it, I don't rmbr everything that happens. I just know that in the last chapter, they lose their virginity to each other, and in the Epilogue they r married and have 2 children, Hazel, a young girl and an older son(forgot his name)


I'm not sure if I'm gonna read Cabin Thirteen, but if I do, is it ok if I imagine Levi as a guy w black hair and nondescript eyes(the eye color doesn't matter to me)? Idk why, but I just can't imagine someone w that name as a blonde person...


Of course! Any character images are just for fun and how I like to imagine them! Everyone can picture them how they like 


Hello! I just wanted to stop by and say how talented you are. You're stories are captivating, especially Hell is a Teenage Girl. I know everyone loves the Tutoring Reid but Hell is a Teenage Girl blew my mind! So good and I hope for a sequel or for there to be lots of them in the next story you make. Wishing you best as you finish out the year :) Also I wanted to share every time I read your authors not signed Olivia, I hear " Oh, I love you, I love you
          I love, I love, I love Olivia"


Thank you so much! That makes me so happy to hear that you liked Hell is a teenage girl. It’s probably the story I prefer out of the two of them! And I love that one direction song!!


Oh my god thank you all so much for 1 million reads on Tutoring Reid Anderson. I never imagined so many people would end up reading my shitty writing when I began to make it LOL. I love all of you and appreciate your support more than you can imagine. I’ll try my best to keep writing I promise!!


@_olivia_morgan_ that was actually the best story ever made by humans


When are you writing next?!?!!


@_olivia_morgan_  yeah I figured lollllll. I just wanna let u know, ur slayyying on this story!!!


@FOSTERKEEFESCOOLER that was a joke sorry LOL um I actually have no idea. I’m like drowning in ap lang work constantly so who knows ! 


Whenever I catch up on life and stop being a hot teenage girl 