
          	Actioneers, here comes our next question of the week!
          	How do you build a believable world that can sustain the high stakes and intense scenes typical of the action genre?
          	Your thoughts are highly welcome. 


@action I make sure that the characters a realistic and are complex . And as for the world building I say , as long as the characters are complex the world can build itself . E.g look at the movie Harry Potter even though it mostly doesn't make sense it's like the author just put in magic and everything but the characters make the novel come to life


@ action  I think the best way to create a world that is both coherent and inherent to the very universe in which our characters evolve is to see the world you want to create as a playground, think of it as if you were creating a new game, Think of it as if you were creating a new game, and that game takes place on a playing field, so you'd have to establish rules for that playing field, like in basketball, for example. Once the playing field and the rules are well established, the characters are then just players who will come and play on that playing field, and as in real life, there are very often changes and new players, but the playing field remain the same


          Actioneers, here comes our next question of the week!
          How do you build a believable world that can sustain the high stakes and intense scenes typical of the action genre?
          Your thoughts are highly welcome. 


@action I make sure that the characters a realistic and are complex . And as for the world building I say , as long as the characters are complex the world can build itself . E.g look at the movie Harry Potter even though it mostly doesn't make sense it's like the author just put in magic and everything but the characters make the novel come to life


@ action  I think the best way to create a world that is both coherent and inherent to the very universe in which our characters evolve is to see the world you want to create as a playground, think of it as if you were creating a new game, Think of it as if you were creating a new game, and that game takes place on a playing field, so you'd have to establish rules for that playing field, like in basketball, for example. Once the playing field and the rules are well established, the characters are then just players who will come and play on that playing field, and as in real life, there are very often changes and new players, but the playing field remain the same


Hello Wattpaders,
          Thank you to all the many who submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          If you are still interested, you have some time to review the Ambassador Program title on the @Ambassador profile and to submit your application. The submission form is available via the link below and on the @Ambassador Bio. 

          Happy Writing and Reading to all =)
          The Ambassadors


          Actioneers, it’s time for our next question of the week! 
          What do you enjoy most about our action profile, and what could make your reading experience even better?
          Let us know about it in the comments below!


@action I enjoy the contests the most. One thing to make the experience better is if you added more book recommendations or like a blog about writing better action sequences, books to read with good action sequences etc.


          It's time to announce the winners of our Adventure In Action Collaboration, you'll find the winners here in this chapter -
          Congratulations to the winners and thank you to those of you who participated in this challenge!


@ action  Thanks, I enjoyed it! <3 Can't want for the next!


@action Thank you so much, you made us to instigate our creative core...(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧


Hello, I have a question:
          When will the results of Adventure In Action 2024 be released?
          Thank you! <3


          Our Profile Guide is now updated and our reading list submission form is open again for new submissions. Be sure to check out our reading lists submission guidelines in our Profile Guide for more information and link to the submission form >


          It's time for Activity #4 from our Adventure In Action Contest to earn extra participation points! Head here to read through the activity and leave your comments in this chapter >
          If you are a participant in the collaboration, you need to include the tag #AdventureInAction to earn those extra participation points!