
Hey followers! I just posted a new book, so if you’re interested in checking out a new type of romance from me, give it a read :) Thanks! 


hello, i love your stories, i am big fan, i wanted to ask you if you can write me  a story about bobby as a child. all i have is about his dad that was his boss.
          i want to know more about him.
          i love your writing, brooke goforth
          My first son, Bobby Ray, died while I was on maternity leave with him.
          He was two months shy of his second birthday.
          After giving birth to him, I started having chest pains.


I give you props for doing my name well! I enjoyed your book. Don't let the haters get to you. Your book wasn't the typical ones you find here on wattpad. This was one that I couldn't wait for updates but begrudgingly did so that there was more for me to come back to read. 


Thank you so so much ! It’s taken me three years to finish it, and I’m excited about the sequel! I hope Nicole lives up to your expectations in it! Thank you for reading!


Heyy when can you update Alpha female??


@BhavyaTandon okay, so I’ve been stressed today, so I actually just posted the next chapter 


Part 3
          Luckily, we weren’t, so we didn’t have to go through with it. But any woman who is sitting here, reading this message that has had an abortion for any reason: 
          I hear you.
          I’ll never know what it’s like to have an abortion, due to the fact that since the Supreme Court ruling, I have decided to have my tubes tied to prevent any further pregnancies. Unless my state wants to decide that I no longer have that right also, that is. Which is a decision that my state now has the right to make since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I won’t sit here and act like I do fully understand. But I do know that it is my right as a woman to make that decision for myself. It is my children’s rights, as future woman living in the United States, to make that choice for themselves. Sadly, that right has been stripped away from them now.
          We will fight, we will protest. We will shout it until our throats are sore that we are woman, and we have rights! 
          I am with you. I stand with you. I hear you. And I see you.