
Hello everyone! I'm taking Memories down now, and I'll start light editing along the way so I can upload chapters for you! :) remember, it will be called Distant Memories when iit returns, I won't delete and start a fresh book, it will be the same one taken down <3


Hello everyone! I'm taking Memories down now, and I'll start light editing along the way so I can upload chapters for you! :) remember, it will be called Distant Memories when iit returns, I won't delete and start a fresh book, it will be the same one taken down <3


Hey guys! Distant Memories (used to be called Memories) is almost finished! It should be done by today! I'll be taking it down to re do the chapters and edit what not, then it will be reupload with a new title to! I'll make another post when it's been taken down! Thank you so much for your patience! <3


Hey everyone, sorry for the second post, but howdy to the second post! XD I've been thinking, and I'm definitely going to upload my book Memories to Amazon at some point when it's finished! That's where the question comes in!
          Should I stick with the title Memories, or call it Distant Memories?
          Let me know what you think, and if you've read it already, you'll know what feels better for the book! This is up on my Instagram story, it would help if you vote on the pole, if not feel free to comment here! Thank you again, you're all amazing!


Hey guys! How are you all?
          I've submitted for round two of onc! So happy! How is your onc work coming along? I wish you all luck!! 


@JessiFero2 aw, have an amazing time, and it shall all be worth it! Let me know how it goes!!! :) 


We leave today so stressful morning lol like always when flying somewhere lol


@JessiFero2 oooh, when are you going? I hope you have an awesome time! And thank you! I'm working on Code: R and my other book Memories hehe


Howdy everyone! ONLY YOURS has finally came to an end! Time to be sad because it's the end of Book 1 but happy because it's also finished and complete for your guys! There's a note at the end for you all, and like I said, the word count is 84k! My longest yet! If you want a romance book to read with rivals and rich men, this is for you!


@JessiFero2 thank you so much! That means a lot! When I do a sequel, I'll let you know!! :)


This book was amazing and I can’t wait for book 2