
Quick question, what smut in the new chapter of ENCHANTMENT????
          	Answer quickly....


Quick question, what smut in the new chapter of ENCHANTMENT????
          Answer quickly....


Why can't I find a good story without angst and with lots of fluff and with a virgin taekook. Whichever story I try to read may have either of them as dumb or naive, or one of them must be already in a relationship or will cheat on another later.... I still remember the first story I read on YouTube, and believe me it was around 2020 or late 2019. The title was 'Blind love.' And still today the story is so fresh in my mind, whenever I smell the moist soil smell I remember it. I don't know why but my mind clicks the scenes of that story every time there's the smell of moist soil around. The story line was so beautiful and the way the two loved each other was so so good. I haven't found any story like that after that....


@tetejungkookie can you please share it with me too 


@cutegir2002 authornim I tried finding her account but I couldn't. But I have read her story on Wattpad. If I came across her account again I'd love to share it with you ❤️


@cutegir2002 sure authornim but I have to find it. If she hasn't deleted it. Just give me some time I'll share it with you 


Why am I so demotivated to write anything, like man!!! I am wanting to write but I am not in a mood toooooo. Like why???? I have ENCHANTMENT' a bit written around 400 to 500 words but I don't feel like writing further. Maybe I am just too tired lately or maybe it has some other reason which I can't figure out. I am sorry I am taking a day leave, may try to update tomorrow or day after tomorrow.... Sorry again 


@cutegir2002 take a day off take rest and come with frsh mind and peacefully heart then write we will wait for you don't worry❤


@cutegir2002 author nim its pretty normal actuallt its ok if you feel like demotivating take a break for some days maybe or sometime then you can continue it author when u feel like writting without feeling the demotivation take care  author


@cutegir2002 its okay we understand but whenever you feel demotivated  imagine we all waiting for your update maybe that will motivate you . But still we can wait 


Not to someone specific but I am tired of seeing some comments on Indian stories, comments like "I can't imagine him in this way." "How can he wear something like this.". "the dress is not good." "I am not even able to imagine him wearing this." Or like "Indian story but why do they live in korea.". "how can they have an Indian wedding*insert eye roll*" "if they are having an indian wedding why do they live in korea?". "Indian wedding means what we are going to read?" Arghhhh, I am just so tired. People who don't like cross dressing should absolutely know that if there's mention of femboy in the contents of the story the bottom is going to be doing cross dressing. Secondly if you can't imagine them aka tae wearing anything please don't. No one is forcing you to, imagine him wearing what you like him to wear happy??? But please don't put words like this in the comments it makes me demotivated.


@cutegir2002 don't bother about them bubba


@cutegir2002 author don't get bother about them they goona talk whatever they want you don't mind them.your stories are best that's the main point that's why we like you*HATERS GONNA HATE PLAYERS GONNA PLAY* thst's would be your motto fighting!!!


@cutegir2002 don't listen them author ur stories are amazing 


Updated enchantment if you didn't receive the notification...


Can't update ENCHANTMENT' again today cause my head, neck stomach almost everything is hurting. Sighs... I know it's being too much unusual and not so punctual updates but it's just for a few more weeks I guess. Once my graphic course will be done I will be quite free and will be able to update better and regular...
          Sorry again, believe me I am extremely guilty....


@cutegir2002 health 1st, everything else is secondary. Use this downtime to rejuvenate your spirits.


@cutegir2002 it's okkkk author nim take care of yourself.. your health is important ❤️ don't take stress ❤️❤️


@cutegir2002 it's okeyy...please take care and do rest 