
Just wanted to announce that Special Agent Loki Laufeyson just hit 100k reads!!! Thank you all so much for reading my little NCIS/Marvel crossover fic and getting it to this milestone!


@darthwitty that is ok and I can't wait for the next chapter book to come out


@Winter_Snape I'm not entirely sure yet. I'm currently trying to finish my other Marvel fanfic Mastering Illusions, and I've got some outlining to do for the third book before I start it. I'm hoping to get to start it sometime this year, but it might not go up until next year.


@darthwitty Hi can I asks when are u starting three book of the Special Agent Loki Laufeyson


Just wanted to announce that Special Agent Loki Laufeyson just hit 100k reads!!! Thank you all so much for reading my little NCIS/Marvel crossover fic and getting it to this milestone!


@darthwitty that is ok and I can't wait for the next chapter book to come out


@Winter_Snape I'm not entirely sure yet. I'm currently trying to finish my other Marvel fanfic Mastering Illusions, and I've got some outlining to do for the third book before I start it. I'm hoping to get to start it sometime this year, but it might not go up until next year.


@darthwitty Hi can I asks when are u starting three book of the Special Agent Loki Laufeyson


Hey, everyone! I know I've been absent on here for the past year or so, due to classes and my senior thesis, but I just graduated and now have some time before my grad program starts to take up writing Dark Soldier and Mastering Illusions again! With that said, there are new updates for both of those stories posted this afternoon!
          In fact, Dark Soldier's update was the last official chapter, with the two endscenes to come next week. I'll begin plotting out the third book, to hopefully go up sometime later this summer. 
          I have another summer project as well. As a part of my senior thesis, I wrote a novel taking place in the last years of the Roman Republic, which I'll be prepping for publication this summer. I'm super excited about this, and will be giving you all more information and updates on it as it progresses!
          Hope you all are doing well! Have a great rest of your day/night!


@darthwitty Hi! Congratulations on graduating! I hope you’ve had a more-than-decent 2024 so far.


I know I've been silent lately - this semester has been really busy for me, with thesis planning and independent research on top of my normal class schedule. 
          This is just a quick announcement to say I'm not going to be entering Kismet in the third round of the ONC (it made it through the first two!) as I don't have the time to finish it at the moment. It will be going on hold for the moment. 
          My finals are getting close to wrapping up, and then I'm hoping to get back to regular updates for Dark Soldier and Mastering Illusions.


Hello, there! Just popping by to say thank you for adding my story, 'What Lies Six Feet Under', to your reading list. I hope you enjoy it! ❤


@SkullantacySmith You're welcome! And thank you for adding Kismet to yours! Good luck with the ONC!


So I finally got around to posting the first chapter of my ONC story, Kismet!
          I'm doing dystopian sci-fi this year, and it deals with the necessity of heat in a cold world and the struggle between fate and free will. But it's also a story about a girl who finds out she's supposed to die and really doesn't want to - and the guy who's supposed to kill her. 
          And no, it's nothing like Sam Walker. The whole point of that was that he found out he wasn't supposed to be alive :) Two different things completely. 
          In all seriousness, this is really different from anything I've done in a while, so please check it out! I'm hoping to get around to reading some ONC stories soon, if my thesis project will let me. 
          Good luck!
          Skylar Wittenborn


The first chapter of Sam Walker and the Jurisdiction of Hell has been posted! Go check it out and let me know what you think!
          Haven't read the first one yet? Go dive into Sam Walker and the Grim Reaper Services first so you're all caught up for the sequel! It's been described as full of humor, entertaining, overall fantastic, and a fun summer (or winter break!) read!