
this message may be offensive
Just for shits and giggles, i opened up the twdg oneshotz book to try to edit it cuz the past year-ish, there was a bug on mobile that you cant edit chapters or write chapters with stories with past 50 or so chapters
          	I can edit now (?) I havent written anything it just let me open the chapter but ITS IMPROVEMENT CUZ BEFORE IT BOOTED ME OUT THE APP ENTITELY SO :)
          	Deadwords rising from the grave? Idk but i do have at least one twdg oneshot ill finish up [if i remember where the fuck i was going with this]
          	In the meantime ive been working on some personal writing that i may or may not publish here idk yet i have a decent start, i just have to make it into chapter form for wattpad which wouldnt be too hard and flesb out some details in parts
          	I'll think on it


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Just for shits and giggles, i opened up the twdg oneshotz book to try to edit it cuz the past year-ish, there was a bug on mobile that you cant edit chapters or write chapters with stories with past 50 or so chapters
          I can edit now (?) I havent written anything it just let me open the chapter but ITS IMPROVEMENT CUZ BEFORE IT BOOTED ME OUT THE APP ENTITELY SO :)
          Deadwords rising from the grave? Idk but i do have at least one twdg oneshot ill finish up [if i remember where the fuck i was going with this]
          In the meantime ive been working on some personal writing that i may or may not publish here idk yet i have a decent start, i just have to make it into chapter form for wattpad which wouldnt be too hard and flesb out some details in parts
          I'll think on it


I usually dont make promises to post [cuz my inspo to write fluxuates] but I can guarentee I'll finish the last chapter (not the epilogue, idk bout that fam) before 2022 is over. Have a general idea how to wrap up the story but feels weird to actually finish an OC story.


Let’s gooooo!


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Working on my book for the cyberpunk event, bout 1/3 done with a draft of it. But mannn, i think i love this story. Title is "Singing A Ghost's Song", revolving around one of my V's. And thats all imma say bout it :D and then im doing some spooktober prompts so if ya wanna read shit from me while im "mia" my tumblr is deadwords-x [i post cyberpunk, the owl house, whatever im in the mood for]


Cool! I’ll definitely check it out:)


Havent forgotten about my books here. Just working on a story for this Cyberpunk Big Bang Event and then im working on oneshots for spooktober. So will be M.I.A. for a bit [which is usual but this time its warrented] but trust me, i havent forgotten about this place ♡


:) take your time! You do great work!!