
So I gave another entrance exam today. I hope that I get good universities. And why do my head always aches after I gave any exam .


So tomorrow is my entrance exam . I am not prepared enough tho. Hope everything goes well and no problem occurs. I am just hoping for the best....


@Nadineat2 thank you so much  and i hope you are doing well.


I don't know why i am such a burden to everyone, i mean everyone. I feel like dying.
           And yeah those friends who always said that we will not change or that we will always be with you,have changed now .
           I guess i am a fool to still talk to them even when ik they have new friends or something else that they didn't tell me about. They always told me to not change now they themselves have changed.
          Well i should also tell you i am talking about my online best friends. I do not have many friends and none in offline. 
          Even when i talked to many but I still remained faithful to them and they were the closest friends of mine but damn they also changed. I guess i don't deserve happiness even in friendships. 
          In real life, I had many betrayals from my friends now they also betrayed me.
          Well i just wanted to vent my feelings. Bye take care all and always be happy.


Ahhhhhh so I am reading this bl e-sports novel where the mc has a poisonous tongue. Like he can roast anybody but in front of his idol aka ml, he becomes obedient and he is so embarrassingly cute .  And his fans are so interesting too basically one person in his fanclub . Damn I am in love with this novel. This novels name is "I can do it" . Please read this you will enjoy it very much.