
ITS DONE!!! Book 2 in my strangefrost series One Choice, Is complete!! 
          	Book 3 is in progress. :) 


Woo! we got a new chapter out on The Unexpected (Sherlock x male! Y/n). FINALLY. I have been working on it for wayyyyyy longer then I'd Like to admit. granted I have been busy with having a birthday so that's fun! And i am currently working on several projects sooooooooooo
          One of witch is an ambitious Voltron project~ So stay tuned for that!
          Also happy December peoples!


I have been shoved back into my voltron obsession unwillingly (mostly). So too everyone you likes my other projects I am sorry, because as of right now I am overly focused on writing specifically Voltron (mostly klance) related stuff. 
          Plus holidays and my birthday and such so. Life be complicated. 
          I’ll get back to my other projects as soon as I can. 
          Only exception will be requests cause I try to prioritize those as much as possible. 
          So feel free to request stuff in ANY of my one shot books. The more detailed the request the more likely it’ll happen. 
          Happy holidays readers <3


Hey everyone. This is just a little life update. 
          It might be a little while before I have the motivation to work on my writing very much. 
          Because on of my dogs just passed away today. 
          The last few days have been really hard, as me and my family have been taking care of her through her final moments. 
          Very little sleep, lots of tears. 
          But worth it to keep her as happy and as comfortable as she could be. 
          Losing an pet is hard enough as is. 
          To make things worse she was the first pet that I ever watched grow up all the way till the end. 
          She was a good girl. 
          She was a good friend. 
          And she was an important part of the family for many years. 
          I will always miss her. 


I gotta another book out! 
          If you like good omens you’re in luck cause I’m currently obsessed with the Angel and Demon gay duo. (Like it’s a little bit of a problem y’all-) I’ve already got two one shots on it, third one coming soon. So please go check it out! <3 


@ fantasysnek  i read it it is very good as usual  keep the good work 


Just did my last show in my latest Production. 
          Those post show feels (if you know you know) are hitting hardddddd 
          I gotta month before the next auditions start for the next show so hopefully I’ll be able to get some writing it. 
          I’m at least gonna try! 
          Wishing every way a good day night or whatever it is for you! 


I’m wayyyyyyyyyyyy too late for how busy I’m gonna be for the next few days but whatever. I finally got an update on One Choice. So I hope you enjoy that 
          I’m trying to update when I can I really am. So thank you for your patience. And thank you for your comments! Really some of you are absolutely hilarious and all of you make me smile so thanks. 
          If you ever want to request please do! My marvel one shots book is completely open for requests. 
          My mha one- well let’s just say I’m slow as hell! But I’m trying my best I promise. 
          The more detail you put in a request the more likely it’ll get done in a timely manner cause like I’ll have something to get inspiration from and such. So yeah keep that in mind 
          Anyways ima go try to actually sleep. Hope y’all continue to enjoy my stuff. And I wish y’all good luck, good health, and happy times <3