
For those waiting for updates for "Ten Days with Mr. Darcy" or "Reading the Regency" there may be a delay in posting new chapters. This is due to an unexpected and unplanned change of circumstance in our household, which has eliminated my available writing time.
          	I'm very conscious of letting you all down, particularly as you were so patient with me last year, and I'm sorry that I have to do it again.
          	If any writers out there have suggestions for how to write when you only have short bursts of time available to you, (<30 mins) I'd be interested to hear your strategies.


@flights_of_fantasy Write or Die can be really helpful for kicking my brain into high gear mode. It flashes warnings if you start typing too slowly, so it helps you stay on task, and you can actually draft a substantial amount of words.
          	  Change the sliders down at the bottom for word count and amount of time you have, and then hit Try!


@flights_of_fantasy I popped in to check up on your updates and to get started again reading and writing on Wattpad...I am thinking of you! It is very difficult to write with short bursts of time, isn't it! We will be here for you when you are ready!


No pressure at all- real life is happening. Hoping you're doing ok? Really love all that you write.  Take care x


Old fan here :) I hope you're doing well. And I was wondering about your plans for 10 days with Mr Darcy? Funny enough, I started reading it when I started uni and now that I've graduated, I'm still looking forward to new chapters! Truly a sign of how good your work is! 


@IOnceWasAKid Gah, that makes me feel old. My daughter was about 11 when I wrote the very first draft of Ten Days, back in 2007, and now she's gone through uni, graduated and married last year. You can see I write at glacial speed. :D  (The first draft of the first version ended when they left the house, which is why this version does not yet have an ending)
            The good news is that I now know why I keep getting derailed with my writing. It doesn't make it any easier to restart, but knowing helps a lot. I also think that by promising not to start a new story until 10 Days is finished I made things harder for myself. Writing something different has previously been the way I've managed to unstick myself from writers block in the past. All I can say right now is that it WILL be finished. However, I won't make the same mistake as I did before. The story will have to be complete before I'll post any more chapters so I can keep the momentum going.


I just finished Eternal Flame! 
          There are so many words to describe my feelings, I’m overwhelmed.
          I tend to stay away from re-tellings or continuations of Austen’s works because I am so critical about sticking to the story.
          Anyway, just messaging to say that this story was just everything & surpasses everything I’ve read so far on this app.
          I did vote for it, I wish this app allowed reviews bc I would definitely recommend this to everyone!!
          Thank you immensely for a beautiful story 


@Seewah85  I briefly looked into getting a few printed copies, so I could have just one "book" of my own on my bookshelf, but the cheapest I could find at the time was ridiculous. Something like £900, which was/is out of my price range. And that was some years ago, so it would be even more expensive now.  As much as I love the story even I don't think it's worth that much!
            I'm open to suggestions as long as it doesn't involve Amazon or anything where I might get reviews. The comments I get on Wattpad are about as much as I can cope with. (and sometimes not) I recently discovered that my irrational crushing dread of negative reviews likely comes from something called Rejection Sensitivity and I'm on a waiting list for an ASD/ADHD assessment. 
            I don't have Facebook but I'll send you a note through Wattpad's own messaging system. You will find it in the inbox and may even get an email notification if you're lucky, although they never work for me.


@flights_of_fantasy I love that it’s your pride & joy!!So here I am again, almost a year later & still cannot get this story out of my head which is a lovely place to be IMO ☺️ q: I really want a physical copy of this story, so I am wondering if you’d be open to like a commission all around with a book binder & myself? Or as an alternative route, printing it only for my eyes. My ultimate concern being that you the author get the right/preferred credit for this work.
            If you’d prefer a more private chat, I have no idea how to do that here. Maybe FB Messenger? I’m happy to give you my username ☺️


@Seewah85 Thank you so much for your lovely comments. Eternal Flame may be the story I'm most proud of, so I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed it. I tested it on Jane Austen fans before bringing it to Wattpad, and although some weren't sure what to make of it at the start they'd all warmed up to it by the end. :)


How do you manage to get reads on your story:(
          But I just discovered one of your works. I'll try reading it. Keep doing what you're doing:)))))


@BandBC I'm not sure if this will be helpful, but the reads I have on my stories have just built up slowly over time. I don't think there's any magic formula for getting people to read a story. I was very lucky that one of my books was chosen as a featured story, back before they changed the system, and that certainly helped. A finished book also attracts more readers than a work in progress, as many people like to read all the way through rather than waiting for the next chapter to be posted. 
            The best advice I can give is to be patient, (yes, super hard, I know!) and don't compare your story to anything that's been on Wattpad for years and has had time to build up lots of reads. Try to ignore the numbers and concentrate on writing what you want to write.


I’ve just finished The Steward of Blackwood Hall and I just love love LOVE it. One of the best books I’ve read in a while. So glad that I discovered your writing. ♥️ 


@flights_of_fantasy of course there’s no pressure. The best works are those given the love and attention they deserve. There is no need got you to force chapters or a story out. The fact that you choose to share whatever you write with us is something I’m sure your readers are thankful for. 


@idontakecrap Thank you for reading and I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! I just wish I could write faster.  Writing creatively (rather than factually) is a bit of a challenge for me at the moment, but I'm sure I'll get back to it eventually.


I absolutely love your work. I do hope you will find a way to finish Mr.Darcy's story..It has 37 chapters posted, but I'm going to read it when it's finished. Stay well. Btw, I have read some of your reader's comments and they all love your stories as I do. ❤ Janice.


@JaniceVanSteenburg8 Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading them. No, please don't start Ten Days. It will be finished at some point, but I'm not sure yet whether I have to pull some chapters down and change direction.  It will get finished, though. I'm not starting any more stories until its done.


Hello I'm in love with the Stuart of blackwood hall its one of my favorite  historical romance novels that I've read and I was wondering  if it would be ok with you if I printed a personal  copy of your book to put on my book self? It would solely be for me


@thegoblinowl I think it's one of the ways Wattpad tries to stop stories being copied to repost elsewhere, maybe. One of the (many) reasons I've never published anything is because while the story is only readable online I can make alterations and corrections as needed. Once it's printed I can't change anything and I hate the idea of mistakes going unfixed.


@thegoblinowl well if you said yes I was going to try to copy and paste but I guess  that won't work huh 


@thegoblinowl I'm curious how you would do that. Wattpad won't even allow me to copy sections of my own story and paste into another document.


I just read the Stuart of Blackwood hall in one day instead of working!!! The story was so amazingly written, I loved it.


@ mazymaze  no absolutely not! Was a low day anyway and the story was a welcome escape :) 


@mazymaze So glad to hear you enjoyed the story, but I'm really sorry I stopped you working! Hope you didn't get in trouble for that. :)


I've re read 10 Days with Mr Darcy about 3 times, I desperately need to know how it ends! It's so well written with such an interesting and refreshing P&P plotline. I truely hope you can return to it sometime soon!


@hipsterpenguin It will be finished, but I can't say when. I won't allow myself to write anything new until Ten Days is done, but writing creative fiction of any sort is difficult for me at the moment. My muse is dead in the water and I still don't know how to fix the problem that was brought to my attention without ripping up the last couple of posted chapters and starting again; a solution that does nothing to improve my motivation. Still, I've never completely abandoned a story once I started posting. Everything has been finished eventually, and I intend to stick to that rule.


Just finished reading TSOBH - it was so beautiful. I look forward to readibg more of your works.  You hv a new follower! 


@Lioncitygal sequels?! yes!! Feelings of warm n fuzzy,  angst, anger, happiness n jubilation from your characters/story. I sincerely hope you will get all the spare time you need n hv all that creative juices flowing. And your fans will be waiting, no matter the duration. You're a darn good writer!! Good luck with everything. Stay sane n safe 


@Lioncitygal  Thank you for all your comments. Your reactions were priceless and made me laugh. In some cases they also reminded me what I have been capable of producing. I hope to get back to that point someday. It's not for want of ideas, I have plenty of those. It's just the spare time and focus I need at the moment.
            I get very attached to my story ideas, the plots and the characters I've been thinking about, so I still have high hopes that one or more of the Blackwood sequels will come to life one day.